J Haye's Weekly Digest, 29 January 2024
Julien Haye
Transforming Risk into Opportunity—Strategic Risk Leader | Advisor | Speaker | Author | Chair, NED, & Trustee
How to Develop a Risk Strategy
How would you describe the risk strategy of your organisation?
All commercial and non-profit organisations should develop some sort of risk strategy that aligns with their mission and goals. Yet, I have observed that many lack a structured approach to risk management.
In the comprehensive article "How to Develop a Risk Strategy," you are introduced to a systematic approach to formulating and executing a robust risk strategy. This guide emphasises the critical importance of integrating risk management into the core framework of commercial and non-profit organisations to enhance decision-making, planning, and operational processes. Aligning risk strategies with an entity's mission, vision, and goals ensures that risk management efforts substantially support the achievement of strategic objectives.
Key insights of the article include:?
Read full article here - https://www.aevitium.com/post/how-to-develop-a-risk-strategy
Aevitium Online Foundational Risk Training Programme
Training 1: Introduction to Risk Management
Objective: To provide you with a foundational understanding of the principles and concepts of risk management, ensuring you grasp the fundamental aspects of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks within various organisational contexts. This training is aimed at beginners.
Date: Fri, 19th April 2024 08:00 - 09:30 GMT
Duration: 1h30
Format: Online
General Admission: GBP90
Tutor: Julien Haye, FRM and Risk Learning Faculty
Promotion: Benefit from a limited 15% promotion on the next 50 sales (open to everyone) + an extra 10% offer for Aevitium LTD's followers if you register before mid-February 2024 (CODE: FOLLOWER01)
Register to training now: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-risk-management-tickets-787493433057?aff=oddtdtcreator
RiskMasters Podcast
The next episode featuring the fantastic Michele Wucker, the acclaimed author of the The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore, is now live!
Listen to it here: https://www.aevitium.com/post/riskmasters-with-michele-wucker
Discover the Previous Interviews on RiskMasters
Let's discuss how I could help; book a meeting now!
Should you have any questions or if you'd like to discuss how our services can specifically benefit your organisation, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at [email protected] or call me at +44 7700 160052. You can also book a meeting directly by clicking on the button below.