Izzy Koo - Finding God, Finding Me
Izzy Koo is a high school student who is committed to helping others—especially youth—attain a deeper relationship with Christ. At sixteen, she started the “Project Encounter” movement—an international gathering of teenagers online to encourage one another through worship and testimonies. Join the Tell Your Story (TYS) team as we learn more about Izzy and her story.
What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Izzy Koo, I live in Seattle, Washington!
What do you do for a living?
I am a current high school senior planning on attending Pepperdine University in the fall. I hope to pursue a vocation in ministry in the future, particularly focusing on youth.
What are your hobbies and interests?
In my free time, I love playing volleyball and pickleball with my friends! I also enjoy singing and playing the piano, as I serve as the worship leader at my church. However, my favorite thing to do is to talk to young people about their faith and stories; it inspires me constantly and reminds me of the necessity of Jesus in all of our lives.
What are two special or unique things about you that are probably not known by your co-workers and acquaintances?
I love philosophy! I enjoy deep and insightful conversations about tough and unexplainable questions. I also write my own songs. I have around 12 songs that I eventually want to record and release one day!
Are there causes or issues that you truly care about?
An issue I care deeply about is children living in poverty. My family supports the Compassion nonprofit, which allows people to sponsor a child somewhere in the world who is experiencing severe poverty, whether that be physically, economically, or spiritually. My sponsor child and I have been penpalling for years now, and it's been such a rewarding and eye-opening experience.
What is your story as a person?
I was a shy, lost, and self-absorbed teenager who was radically transformed by the love of God in my sophomore year of high school. From that single moment of encounter, I found my confidence, purpose, and identity through God and have been since living a totally changed life. I now go out of my way to reach out to new people, speak in front of congregations and youth groups about my story and faith, and live my life boldly, passionately, and wholeheartedly. Jesus changed my life.
What is the main story you want to share with the world through your book?
I want people to know through my book that the only way to find complete fulfillment is to look to God. People send a lifetime trying to find their purpose and identity in all sorts of places - sports, image, achievements - you name it. I believe that the only way to find what you're searching for is to seek after and find God.
If you had an opportunity to share just ONE message with the WHOLE WORLD, what would it be?
If you're feeling empty, hopeless, or lost right now, try - just try turning towards God. He is the Father, Redeemer, Savior, Friend, Healer, and Miracle Worker of this world and He will radically change your life if you simply seek Him.
What does family mean to you? Tell us about your family.
My family members are my favorite people in the world. I would choose spending the day hanging out with my parents, Olivia, and Noelle (my two sisters) over anything any day. My family has been the biggest support to me in my faith and life journey. My parents are extraordinary role models, and I hope to be half as incredible as them one day.