IXON to Showcase Latest Innovations in Ready Meals at SIAL Paris 2024

IXON to Showcase Latest Innovations in Ready Meals at SIAL Paris 2024

IXON, a pioneer in food preservation technology, will showcase its latest innovations at the 60th anniversary edition of SIAL Paris, the world's largest food innovation exhibition. The event is scheduled for October 19-23, 2024, at Paris Nord Villepinte.

Occurring every two years, SIAL Paris attracted over 265,000 visitors in 2022 from the European Union, as well as the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, making it a truly global platform for food industry innovations.

At SIAL Paris 2024, IXON will unveil its cutting-edge advancements in advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology. This revolutionary innovation extends the shelf life of ready meals, including fried rice, pasta, dumplings, and pizzas, allowing them to be stored at room temperature. This breakthrough represents a significant leap forward in food preservation and distribution.

IXON's participation, made possible through the Sunbolah program supported by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA) of Saudi Arabia, will span two key days:

? October 21, 2024: IXON will attend the Deeptech & AI Summit in the morning, followed by an afternoon pitch presentation highlighting its ASAP technology and its potential to transform global food systems.

? October 22, 2024: The company will exhibit its innovations during the morning session, offering attendees a firsthand look at IXON's ASAP technology and its applications.

"Our showcase at SIAL Paris 2024 marks a pivotal moment for IXON and the food industry at large," said Felix Cheung, founder and CEO of IXON. "We're excited to demonstrate how our ASAP technology is addressing critical challenges in food preservation, sustainability, and global distribution."

SIAL Paris 2024 celebrates six decades of bringing together professionals to shape the future of food. The event serves as a hub for global food innovation, offering unparalleled opportunities for industry leaders to connect and explore groundbreaking technologies.

For more information about IXON's innovations at SIAL Paris 2024 or to schedule a meeting with company representatives during the event, please email us at [email protected]

香港食品科技公司IXON將於2024年10月19日至23日參與第60屆SIAL Paris國際食品展覽會,展示其最新研發嘅尖端技術。是次展覽會將在巴黎北維勒班展覽中心舉行。

SIAL Paris作為全球最具規模嘅食品展覽會,每兩年舉辦一次。2022年展會吸引逾26.5萬名來自歐盟、中東、非洲及亞洲嘅業界人士參與,充分體現其國際影響力。

IXON將於2024年SIAL Paris重點展示其先進低温真空無菌包裝(ASAP)技術的最新突破。該項創新技術能顯著延長預製菜的保質期,包括炒飯、意粉、餃子及薄餅等,使其可在常温下長期保存。此項技術為食品保鮮及分銷領域帶來重大革新。


? 2024年10月21日:上午出席深度科技及人工智能峰會,下午就ASAP技術及其改革全球食品系統的潛力進行專題演講。

? 2024年10月22日:於上午展覽環節展示最新產品,讓與會者親身體驗ASAP技術及其應用。

IXON創辦人兼行政總裁張文浩表示:「我們參與2024年SIAL Paris,標誌著IXON及整個食品行業的重要里程碑。我們期待向業界展示ASAP技術如何有效應對食品保鮮、可持續發展及全球分銷等重大挑戰。」

2024年SIAL Paris適逢六十周年誌慶,一直致力匯聚專業人士共同塑造食品未來。作為全球食品創新的重要平台,展會為業界領袖提供難得的交流機會,共同探索突破性技術。

如欲了解更多有關IXON於2024年SIAL Paris的創新技術,或預約與公司代表會面,請電郵至 [email protected]



