IWRL6432 Enables Smart TVs
As television have grown in size, gone slimmer and increased the variety of content which can be played, little so far was done to make them truly smart.
IWRL6432, which enables to:
Allows truly smart-TVs which can bring a lot of energy savings and ease of use for the end customer:
Besides those,?IWRL6432?also enables:
5. Gestures recognition
Which in turn brings the benefit for smart-TV viewers to change channels, volume or other settings should the remote control not be available.
Lastly,?IWRL6432?also enables:
6. breathing rate and sleep detection
which in turn enables smart TVs to have specific profiles should the last spectator in the room to fall asleep in-front of the television: reduced volume, delayed switch-off, ...
Besides smart-TVs,?IWRL6432?brings those features to many similar applications:
Learn more
Learn about mmWave radar sensor small vibration detection theory for background on breathing detection
mmWave radar sensor training module 2?@13:15 describes how to leverage phase changes to measure vibrations.
High accuracy vibration detecting demonstration using TI mmWave?shows an example of how TI millimeter wave sensors can accurately measure movements and distances on the order of micrometers.