iwork flow can save you moolah
Sandy Antipas
Tech education specialist and curious guy. Looking for troubles. Making your IT easy for everyone to use.
Looking at the price of the iPhone 12Pro in NZ is around $2500 for 512GB storage.
With a Macbook pro, it seems like the cost of $3500 for a MacBook Pro(MBP) and $2500 for a 512GB phone with anytime internet (5G), will be the base cost for those Mac fanatics who want to look flash with the leading-edge tech with a fruit emblem minus a bite. Let’s baseline this at $6K. Oops add the airpods $6449.
What’s your workflow? I know it’s a pretty personal question. I mean now you have to think about not what you do, but how you do it.
Do you use the phone to read messages and get interruptions during the day? You sit down and send messages to people via email on your phone with the fear of autocorrect making your words follow someone else’s normal word flow. No, you’re special! You’ll have had every email created on the phone go with purpose and with no mistakes… I wish!
If your workflow is reliant on phone apps to use when mobile then the MBP iPhone and Ipods could be the way forward. But what if Apple could be flexible? What if you weren’t that reliant on multiple iPhone apps? I mean the watch now has Cellular and you can use your AirPods with your watch with no phone as they showed us in great adverts several times.
Imagine a new workflow. Phone calls to be taken through your AirPods via the watch. Email messages will download directly to your iPad via your watch when you're close to your iPad.
It seems that if you’re not app-driven you can change your $6449 to a $3850 with an iPad-pro, Apple watch cell, and air-pod pros. But before you do check with your IT team. Your business workflows may not be compatible at the moment.