I've met..
Surajee Ratnayake
Founder & CEO of WorkHub24. | Digital Transformation Evangelist | Visiting Lecturer | Product Evangelist | Works on Business Planning, New Partner Sales Channels & Technology Marketing.
I've met a lot of older people, grandparents, teachers who give me the spiel of "My life went by so fast, yesterday I was 19 or 25 and now I don't know where all that time went, I just blinked and I'm 80”
Just think about that, what a strange way to be alive. I had the fear of building a routine and suddenly a decade is gone! The routine is the enemy of time. It makes the time fly-by.
When you were a kid everything was astonishing. Everything was new, so your brain is AWAKE and TURNED-ON. So, every passing second you are learning something NEW; learning how the world works, and so the muscle of your brain is activated.
And as you get older, your brain has figured out the patterns of how the world works; how you make money, how you graduate school, how you get a mortgage, how you have kids. You've got that on locked down, You know your car and go to work everyday.
Once your brain establishes a routine, it STOPS! the ALERTNESS goes away with the fascination with how the world works.
Do something different, find something beautiful that fascinates your mind. You want to be aware of EVERYDAY that you are ALIVE. You will want to make it to 85 and be exhausted, because you've been "ALIVE" and "AWAKE" every single day. I think that's the duty of being an adult.
When you were a kid, everything's new. You didn't work for it, you just get astonished.
Once you are an adult, that's a choice. You choose adventure for your own life. It's about getting out of your routine.
I don't want my days to control me, I don't want my calendar to be my boss. I wanna control my days. I choose the adventures I go on. I want to choose a mind and a soul that's wide awake because, in a sense it turns your 100 years on this planet into a THOUSAND!
So, I promised myself I would do something radically different. I was a slave for my routine. But the moment I started on my new adventure, i saw it changed my brain chemistry.
Yes, BuzzFlow is my adventure, it not only changed me, it also changed many other companies for good.
So, are you ready to change your routine? I told you my adventure, what’s your’s?
(Inspired and adapted from a video of Jedidiah Jenkins)