I've lost control!
Chris Power
Working with businesses and senior leaders to successfully navigate the inflection points they're facing. Executive Coach | Team + Strategy Development Facilitator |
It might be only a matter of weeks ‘til Christmas but it’s definitely time for a re-set!
Perhaps the biggest thing I’m noticing right now is how little time I have been able to devote to writing – both this newsletter and LinkedIn posts – so I’m not sharing what I think will be useful information to leaders in my network. There simply hasn’t been time and when there is, my mind is filling with other things, and I go blank on the insights to share. I know many of you know what this feels like as it’s emerging in both my masterclasses and individual coaching sessions.
What this tells me is that I’ve lost control of my calendar as we near the end of the year.
While I’m forever grateful I came back from leave to a full calendar of work, I have now had a taste of what I suspect most of you face on a daily basis; racing from one thing to the next without the time to reflect, strategise and think.
So like you, it’s time to STOP and re-set. ?It’s time to practice what I preach.
Time for a new experiment (remembering that experimenting allows us to hold things lightly, tweak and not get too attached to things needing to be perfect).
New diary ‘rules’ to help me guard my thinking and writing time (give me a shout if you want some help with these) and prioritising my development days. I gave one away last week to suit a client’s schedule!!
For me it’s about discipline and being more intentional about where I spend my time while still being of service to my clients.
Every decision we make has an impact. If I’m saying yes to this, what am I saying no to?
So the message for us all? Think about what you’re saying yes and no to and what elements of your work and person schedule you can control. It will be more than you imagine!