I've just set up the company's Twitter - What next?

I've just set up the company's Twitter - What next?

Whether you like it or not, Twitter is an essential platform for much of the conversation surrounding Web3. Therefore, it cannot be ignored.

Impressions will be hard to come by at the start so you need to have Twitter optimized to convert passive viewers to those that engage at a high rate. What does this practically mean?

  1. On brand cover image
  2. On brand profile picture (that fits nicely into the cover image)
  3. Bio that describes what you do in a nutshell.
  4. Linktree to your other socials or website to drive wait-list sign ups
  5. Emojis are good they are just more engaging than plain text (optional)

Remember it is easier to complicate than it is to simplify Brutal simplicity of thought should be your mantra.

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Ok got that so what next?

Firstly you need to think about some content pillars.

If you project is infrastructure heavily based around tech - Education would be a obvious pillar.

Are you looking to completely change the world ? Maybe you are trying to tokenize carbon credits. That is an inspiring goal so content that inspires that changes the world. Inspire would be a content pillar.

Remember the goal here is to display to constant demonstration of progress. Its social media remember be social.


Also think about different forms of media. Some can be text based. But AFTER A WHILE text gets boring ?? no matter how much you try to mix it up. It can also get quite annoying. Emojis are good but dont over kill it and limit hashtags to 3 per post max!

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Images are cool.

But Im not a graphic designer

I hear you, but there are many resources out there like Canva that enable you to get 90% of the way. Remember you are a start up it doesn't have to be perfect. Its social media it'll probably be forgotten about quickly (anyone remember Mark Karpeles? Comment below if you do).

You don't need to know a Non-destructive frequency separation technique for photoshop - but if you haven't you need to start thinking about what font you want to use for your brand.

Check out this brilliant 3 minute conversation by Monocle on simplifying type https://monocle.com/radio/shows/monocle-on-design/extra-337/

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At the very minimum you should get in the habit of screenshotting images you like. So when you do get a graphic designer you avoid spending excessive amounts of time going back and forth only to end up choosing something that doesn't really meet your preferences because you feel pressured to make a decision.

In fact I'd encourage you to do this for many other aspects, like content ideas, Twitter threads, website formats - constantly be taking screenshots for reference. It's so difficult to start with a blank canvas - so dont. Even create a whatsapp group with just yourself so you never miss a chance to have it on hand. Remember to title every image to avoid endless scrolling.


This comes a bit later, but it's definitely worth considering. Conducting a straightforward, one-on-one interview with the project's founders. Basic questions about the founders and the company to introduce the project.

  • What motivated you to start your company?
  • What problem does your product or service solve?
  • What sets your company apart from its competitors?
  • What is your long-term vision for the company?

Comment on events that are relevant to your company and your niche become an opinion leader in the space - like Rick Deacon below.

If you are interested in video content as a service for your socials reach out and we can get it sorted for you!


So now you've got some content pillars. Cool. You've some content ideas. Cool. And you've got a well set up page ready to convert. Bosh.

How are you going to get some eye balls on your Twitter?

Charity starts at home. To start, focus on building support from within your team. Even if your team members are anonymous online, encourage them to create Twitter accounts and engage with your project by liking and interacting with your posts.

Additionally, involve your backers and investors by setting up a Telegram group specifically for key supporters and sharing important updates with them. If you are building on DEFI on Polygon, research other projects that are doing the same and reach out to them. You can organize a Twitter space and engage with their followers, who are likely to be interested in your project as well.

I could go on but this is just the briefest overview.

Why don't you just get in touch and book a call where we can help with all manner of things.

We offer expertise in:

?-Web3 marketing



-Social media

-Community management



-Exposure channels

-Biz dev


All the best on your web3 journey!

Cheers! And catch you in the next one!


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