I've had a varied career path ...

I've had a varied career path ...

Prior to starting work at TestCard as Head of Production Operations, I have had a varied career path; including management accountancy, business owner, counsellor,? start-up business advisor, and CEO of a charity.? Although a winding path, all of these roles have developed my leadership, business and management skills, and alongside my MSc in Business and Management I feel they have made me the person and manager that I am today.

This is my first role within the MedTech industry, and at times it has felt like a second language is being spoken; however, I am a strong believer that in order to develop and learn it is necessary to surround yourself with people who know more than you do. This is certainly something I do at Testcard and this has helped me to push myself outside of my comfort zone.

I am in the lucky position that within my role, I am able to work in the local community and offer my skills as a mentor and a Woman Ambassador, something which I gain as much from as our future women leaders do.

Away from work, I am a mum and Guides Leader which further helps me to develop my skills of patience and mentorship, and make me a much more rounded person and leader; they link to my strong desire to advocate for women in leadership and STEM.

TestCard has a culture and team which allow us to follow our passions, whilst growing and developing alongside this innovative MedTech business!


