I've Got My Website Up, Where Are My Clients?
Sarah Short
Turning qualified coaches into well-paid professionals | ICF-Accredited Marketing Courses For Coaches | Mentoring | Straightforward, No Nonsense, Actionable Marketing Techniques | Prices from £3100 (inc VAT)
There is a misconception that I feel compelled to address.
It is this: having a website is a great way (or the best way) to build a coaching business.
It's not.
Let me explain what I mean....
I speak to lots of coaches.
Most of the coaches I speak to are looking for help and support to build a successful coaching business. Interestingly, most of them already have a website and in the majority of cases, that website is poor.
What these poor websites actually are is a CV (resumé). They say 'I can do this for you and I can do that too'.
These websites go on at length about all the wonderful qualifications that the coach has, and sometimes even has photos of their certificates.
They may have lots of testimonials from all the delighted clients that the coach has worked with (often without pay in return for the testimonial).
The thing is this; no one cares about you, your testimonials or your qualification. (Ouch! I know, right?)
What people (particularly potential clients) care about, is this one thing; what you can do for them?
Don't Build A Website!
If I speak to a coach before they have spent time/money/effort on a website, I strongly suggest that they don't bother yet. It's not important in the beginning. However, unless they join The Coaching Revolution and truly understand why I'm saying it, they tend to ignore me and build a CV-style website anyway.
I belong to a lot of groups for coaches. Many of them are 'support' groups for growing coaching businesses. The thing that gets asked the most from coaches in these groups is this: 'how do I create a sales funnel using my new website?'.
If you're focusing on sales funnels and websites, honestly, in our opinion, you're focusing on the wrong thing. It's a very hard slog to convert visitors to clients from a CV-style website.
But.... I Want An Online Business
An online business, that can be operated from anywhere is the holy grail these days, isn't it? The idea of being 'location-independent' is very attractive.
Here's the thing; what we teach can help you create a location-independent business. I am (of course) going to use the example of The Coaching Revolution. We have a location-independent business. Our mentors and mentees are based all over the world and all of our mentoring is delivered online.
Yes, we have a website, but is isn't the tool that we use to get clients. Our business development process is the tool we use. Our website was very basic until we had earned the income necessary to develop it, and it is still reasonably basic.
Having a website doesn't equal having an online business.
But.... What About My Website?
If you already have a website, here are some tips:
- Make sure the content is focused on one sort of client.
If your website says "I work with anyone who....." it's not focused enough. You'll see what I say is true, because your bounce rate will be huge (bounce rate = the number of people who land on your website and then leave immediately, without looking around).
- Make sure what you do for that client is clearly articulated, in terms of the benefit to them of working with you.
Saying things like 'are you ready to take action' isn't a benefit. That's about you and what you want them to do. Be very, very specific in what you describe as the benefits to them.
- Have a single call to action.
If you give your potential client a dozen options in terms of actions they could take, then what will happen is that they will do nothing.
'Download this' as well as 'Subscribe to my newsletter' and 'send me a message' as well as 'book a call with me now' is too many things.
- Resist the urge to be a 'one-stop shop'
Websites that list all the different sorts of coaching available rarely convert visitors to clients. (For example, I've just checked out a website where the coach is offering business coaching, wellness/weight loss coaching as well as life coaching and coaching in public speaking.)
Websites that speak directly to one sort of client, about a very specific problem, find that clients self-select. The potential client reads what you've written and thinks 'wow! This coach is talking about me!' and they'll get in touch.
Why We Are So Drawn To Having A Website?
The thing about building a website is this: it feels like you are working on your coaching business.
The work you do in sourcing images, writing copy and working with branding is that you feel busy and productive. You feel like you're actually getting somewhere.
However, if you don't have clients, you don't have a business, so that productivity is actually time wasted.
If you'd like to know what I believe your priorities should be in the early days, I wrote an article about it; I Want To Coach For A Living, What Are My Priorities?
My Head Hurts!
If all of this is befuddling your brain, why don't you talk to us? It costs nothing to talk to us, there is no obligation (on either side) and no one will try to pressure you into buying anything. Our diary is here >> https://rcl.ink/xdG
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6 年I do like your opinions. Refreshing common sense in a sea of 'let me show you how to automate your lead gen' nonsense.