I've Done Everything Right (Or so I thought)
Allyson Roberts
Founder & Chief Empowerment Officer Amplifying Stories, Transforming Lives, Inspiring Audiences
I was pissed!
I'd done everything right, too.
That is why I was so infuriated. I'd visualized, and journal, and spoken it all out loud for weeks.
And, yet, I was looked over...again.
I walked into my kitchen, made my usual pot of coffee, and as I waited for it to brew, a thought came to mind, "You don't do anything right. You'll never get this right. I mean, just look at you."
Shame and Guilt crept up my body from my toes to my eyeballs, and then the tears formed. WTF?!
The thing is, I knew those were all lies. I've gotten a lot right in my life. When I did what my brain told me to and looked at myself, I saw a woman with her shit together. BUT, I also saw a woman who couldn't get past a glass ceiling. NOT corporate's glass ceiling - MY glass ceiling. The one keeping me down because of my own beliefs.
"Why isn't the visualizing working?" I heard myself ask aloud.
I poured my strong cup of brew and got to work. When I sat down at my desk, it was 9:10 a.m. Saturday morning. By the time I got out some old books, thought about the counseling I'd done to help battered women, looked at my entrepreneurial path and my life choices, it was Sunday night. Don't worry, I ate and showered and all that, but I was deep, deep, DEEP into the solution.
And...I found it.
The way people are taught to manifest leaves them confused.
Are you feeling me? The way we are told that thinking thoughts make them things. (True - not true.) That the affirmations we repeat are worth their weight in gold. (Eh, maybe.) We are told to watch The Secret and watch Abraham Hicks. Both tools are useful, don't get me wrong. But they aren't the whole enchilada as we've been taught to believe.
Here's the short synopsis.
I have combined Science with Spirituality into something I call - Personalized Science, and most importantly - IT WORKS! (And not just a little bit.)
I'd love for you to join me the week of December 7, 2020, at 1p.m. daily to learn the METHODS and the MAGIC to turn your life around RIGHT NOW.
This workshop is FOR you if…
You feel STUCK. You are BURNT OUT. You know you play SMALL. You're terrified of the size of your DREAM. You want MORE.
If this is calling to you, don't hesitate. Sign up today. You'll get to the core of what is going on that is holding you back. Better yet... You'll LEARN THE STEPS to finally change it once and for all.