I've been thinking...Purpose
Greg Dearsly
Connection-Engagement-Value - Curating Cultural Intelligence for the Safety Industry
There is lots written about Organisational Purpose its value and what impact it has on the success, or otherwise, of a business. JFK and the Janitor is a story that I think reflects organisational purpose and its connection to the workforce. The story goes that JFK, while visiting NASA in 1962, came across a janitor in the hallway carrying a broom. JFK stopped and asked the janitor what he did for NASA, the reply, I am helping send a man to the moon. Reflecting on this, it tells a story of a man who understands the importance of his role in the wider purpose of the organisation, to me it also clearly reflects that NASA held the role in high esteem and valued the mans contribution.
A similar story is told about an event some 300 years before JFK was at NASA and that is on the construction site of St Paul's Cathedral, the architect, (Sir Christopher Wren), unknown to the construction gang, asked three different workers what they were doing and got 3 different responses, cutting stone said one, earning three shillings, six pence a day said another. The third proudly announced he was helping Sir Christopher Wren build a great cathedral. Little did he know he was actually talking to Wren. This story reflects more on the individual who has his own purpose in life and valued the work he did. He was proud of the work he was doing knowing that it was leading to an outcome that would benefit many.
I have referenced these stories before as I think they provide a great backdrop for business owners to consider their own situation in terms of their Purpose and how they integrate it into everyday life with the workforce that labours for them.
Strategic Purpose has its roots in organisational ownership, governance, ethics and corporate social responsibility (not to be confused with ESG). It's aim, to articulate how the business makes a difference and for whom.
I have been thinking about Organisational Purpose and how organisational purpose can create connection with stakeholders.
I attended an event recently where the speaker discussed how the business they were involved recruit people not based on their technical ability, but more on their fit with the organisations purpose.
Don't just hope the right people will want to work for you, seek them out. He manako te kōura i kore ai, (Wishing for the crayfish wont bring it).
What are your thoughts?