I've Been There Before As Well
Corey Walen
Recruiter Helping Top Advisors Find Top BD/RIAs & Host of Firm Transitions Podcast
I've shared this in the past, but I thought I’d touch on it again briefly.
For more than five years now I’ve been an independent recruiter, however prior to this, I was a recruiter for two of the top independent broker dealers in the country as a W2 employee.
Thinking back to that time as a W2, I vividly remember a specific conversation; I was sitting across from a financial advisor, and he was extremely nervous about potentially making the move to launch his own business. He said to me:
"Corey, I hope you don't take this personally, but why would I take advice from someone about launching a practice that's never done it themselves? I'm a W2 employee and I’m petrified, and you've never done this before. So, this is just hard, you know?”
As I was driving home from that meeting I realized, while I've helped hundreds of advisors make the transition to independence, he was right, I had never been through it myself—I didn’t fully understand the gravity of his situation.
Fast-forward a couple years, I myself made the move to independence, leaving behind the “security” of the W2 employee firm. I distinctly remember how scary those first six months were, trying to generate buzz, drum up new conversations… However looking back, it was the most rewarding career decision I could've made.
Until I actually made the move myself, that advisor was right, I never truly understood the stress that accompanied his decision.
As you’re considering making a move, you’re receiving advice from wholesalers, other W2 advisors, W2 recruiters, and while they’re well-intended with their guidance, at the end of the day they most likely haven’t been through this process themselves.
I take this very seriously and if you’re a high-performing advisor considering a transition, I would really love to share with you all of my experience and guidance to help you make the best decision possible for you and the future of your business.
I’ve helped almost 1,000 high-performing financial advisors successfully transition firms at no cost to them.
If you have questions, could simply use the help of an experienced transition consultant, I’m happy to help you—please reach out to me.
Wirehouse Advisors: When is it Time to Consider a Transition? – Clip with Jake McLean (4:30)
A former Wells Fargo advisor shares his thoughts around what sparked their transition to independence and what other financial advisors should be paying attention to.
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If you're considering making a transition and/or have any questions please feel free to call or text me: (908)-902-4903, DM LinkedIn, Calendly or email [email protected]