I've always been fascinated by prayer wheels in buddhist countries

I've always been fascinated by prayer wheels in buddhist countries

In this photo you see a family spinning the prayer wheels

This is at the Boudhanath Stupa which is a must-see when visiting Kathmandu

By why the prayer wheels? It's always been something that fascinated me

A guide told me?

Prayer wheels have a prayer written on it and often a script inside

And by spinning it, it's like “saying” the prayer

Which is good for karma?

The more you spin them, the better person you will be

But better still

The closer you are to enlightenment

Enlightenment in western culture is a little 'so what?"

In buddhist culture this means the awakened intellect, of a Buddha

You need to have said the prayers 100,000 times for enlightenment

Often at Stupas and temples there are long lines of these wheels

And us “little people” go along the line and spin them

The more you spin, the more you get closer to your 100,000 magic number

Which also helps with what you are reincarnated as

If you do spin prayer wheels

I highly recommend you wash your hands afterwards

Or bad karma of your stomach will come for sure?


Timothy "Tim" Hughes 提姆·休斯 L.ISP的更多文章