IVA testing update
A message from the DVSA
In September, we told you what we’re doing for customers using our IVA service.
Our latest update covers:
- the latest on inspections and appointments
- preparing your vehicle for inspection
- carrying out tests by video
- how you can make sure your vehicle is safe and pass the inspection
Where are we with applications and appointments?
We’ve reviewed the recent guidance relating to England, Scotland and Wales and can continue to deliver our specialist testing services safely.
We are returning to our normal service levels. Currently the average turnaround time for complete applications is 5 days.
We carried out 2230 inspections in September and 2041 inspections in October.
And we are booking appointments into December and the new year.
In our last update, we told you that bookings could be made through our contact centre again. As a result, we’ve seen more bookings for single examinations made through our contact centre.
Preparing your vehicle for inspection
Our priority remains keeping staff and customers safe.
We want to remind all customers what you need to do once you get an appointment.
Please read the application forms carefully. They set out the conditions which apply before and at the time of the examination.
You must:
- carry out the appropriate vehicle cleansing/ quarantine before attending an appointment
- follow the relevant instructions during the examination
We will reject applications which are incomplete or incorrect to focus our time on those which can be progressed. And we will refuse appointments where customers do not take the appropriate action.
Carrying out tests by video
Earlier this year, we trialled a process at 2 sites to assess vehicles via video call.
We used the experience to understand how this could work for our examiners and customers.
Since then, we’ve built on that knowledge and increased our video testing capabilities. This includes developing a training package and using feedback to improve the procedure.
Testing this way can help us to:
- reduce the amount of contact between our staff and customers during the pandemic
- reduce the number of journeys which staff and customers need to make during the pandemic
- save time for customers, which could help to increase your productivity
- deliver the service from other locations, freeing up appointments in our testing sites
You can ask us to consider a video test for your vehicle when you apply for an inspection.
Our final decision is based on the information provided in your application. This includes the vehicle, build type and extent of modification.
We will let you know whether you are accepted for a video test or if you need to bring the vehicle for a physical inspection.
You can read more about the video test on GOV.UK.
Helping you make sure your vehicle is safe and can pass the inspection
You can read the current versions of our help to get a pass guidance on GOV.UK.