??ITUC Newsletter – April 2024?? ?? We are #ForDemocracy in society

??ITUC Newsletter – April 2024?? ?? We are #ForDemocracy in society

?? We don’t love tax ?? but we demand FAIR taxes that build ???? Strong democracies ? Greater equality ???? More trust #ForDemocracy = for fair taxes https://youtube.com/shorts/KRRjpBe8sGk?si=bOHC2ZlIf_s5Oux5
?? We don’t love tax ?? but we demand FAIR taxes that build ???? Strong democracies ? Greater equality ???? More trust #ForDemocracy = for fair taxes

This month, our campaign For Democracy highlights the importance of democracy in society. This means civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, and trade unions rights, like the right to strike. Click here to see our online event with trade unionists from Korea, Ghana, Austria, the USA and the EU talking about their key elections this year and how they are working For Democracy.

At the Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF we will be taking the demand of working people for fair taxes to fund the universal social services that build trust in democracy. We will also call for reform of international economic structures to prioritise human rights and labour standards, and for a solution to the sovereign debt crisis that sees 60 per cent of low-income countries at risk of debt distress, strangling their ability to invest in their societies.

This call for greater democracy at global institutions will be central to ITUC demands at the UN Financing for Development Forum 2024. The Forum should be the place to make the New Social Contract a reality, back commitments to the SDGs with sufficient funding, pledge to finance policies that contribute to social justice and democratise the governance of international finance, taxation and trade.

The 28 April marks International Workers’ Memorial Day, focusing on the increased occupational risks to workers due to climate change. Democracy at work, through collective bargaining and social dialogue, is essential for enabling workplaces to adapt to these changing risks.

Finally, this May Day, lookout for stories on ITUC social media channels throughout May, from trade unionists explaining what democracy means to them.

Watch the webinar > Hear how workers are organising for free and fair elections from Asia to Europe, and Africa to the Americas, let's unite #ForDemocracy.
Watch the webinar > Hear how workers are organising for free and fair elections from Asia to Europe, and Africa to the Americas, let's unite #ForDemocracy

Key dates: To subscribe to our calendar of news and events in the world of work, click here to add it to your device

The World Bank and the IMF Spring Meetings 19 – 21 April

UN Financing for Development Forum 22 – 25 April

International Workers’ Memorial Day 28 April

May Day: International Workers’ Day 1 May

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia 17 May

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