ITSM Defining and Mapping Services
Some IT organisations design things, install things, fix things, and manage things. These things are achieved through a bundle of individual resources capable of doing stuff!
The term “things” and “stuff” is used in this context because these IT organisations have never defined anything and simply operate as a bundle of individual resources, i.e., teams working in silo. These organisations struggle to quantify themselves as a business unit and become extremely frustrated when asked how they contribute to business value and performance?
This situation does bring IT service management (ITSM) into question because it is unclear from a business perspective what exactly is being managed?
If we cannot define something then we cannot control it, and if we cannot control something then we cannot measure it, and if we are not measuring then what are we managing?
Signs which often indicate evidence of such organisations comprise of a failure to publish a service catalogue through a lack of clarity and definition. Or publishing a service catalogue which is superficial to the business. Or producing reports which have zero relevancy or meaning to the business, e.g., the business is unable to act on such data.
Everything these organisations do is ‘inside out’ and not ‘outside in.’ Everything should start from the assets of the business not the assets of IT. IT assets exist to contribute to the performance of business assets. In crude terms, these organisations are unable to follow an order when it arrives into the business through to delivery and invoice. The mistake these organisations make is locking purely into technology and failing to interface with business processes (e.g., business activities). For example, if the enterprise transition to a new business goal these organisations remain static.
If a time comes (which for some enterprises already has) where there is no differentiation between business assets and IT assets, then these organisations will become part of the lost world.
I have composed a document suggesting how IT services could be defined, mapped, and packaged accordingly and more so, how IT can achieve higher levels of transparency with the business. This can be found on our "FREE ITSM Stuff" page. If you are not already a member you can sign up with minimum effort and with zero obligation.
Trevor Wilson