It’s Your Turn to Support Women
Monica Kretschmer
CEO, Universal Womens Network??, Women of Inspiration??, SupportHER??, ???Women of Inspiration?? Podcast Host, Speaker. Women-Owned, Forbes Business Council, 2019 Business in Calgary Awardee, UN SheInnovates Awardee.
I love March - constant reminders of the strong female leaders that have come before us and are doing amazing things! I have had an interesting last few weeks. Consistent reminders from the fabulous females in my network to keep pushing, but also reminders that women need to do more to support one another. We can help each other meet our goals – chase our dreams. We can be the source of one another’s courage and can hold one another accountable. Women can mentor one another in a way that men cannot and we know how to truly celebrate one another. But – women can also make it difficult for one another.
I know – controversial right? But hopefully I’m just articulating something you already knew.
Sometimes without even realizing it we can let jealousy, bias, and favoritism pop into our lives. Those traits not only hurt our fellow businesswomen but truly end up hurting us in the end too. The infographic our team created this month focus on the importance of a strong team. We looked through hundreds of quotes from strong, female, leaders and the ones we captured reflect the importance of our support for one another. Digest these quotes this next week and truly reflect on how you are helping fellow women in business succeed.
There is an easy way you can help the women behind the Canadian Business Chicks team – purchase a membership. I am asking for your support – a bit of a challenge to put your money where your mouth is when it comes to supporting women.
Your membership allows us to keep our organization running; your membership also supports other women. Our events, our tools, our programs are not possible without our members.
Think of March not only as a month to celebrate women but as Membership Month. What groups, societies, and organizations are you a part of that support and celebrate women?
Sign-up now – your membership is a one-time administrative fee and a low monthly subscription of $25.
I’m hoping you can spare 5 latte’s a month and be part of something that is growing, evolving, and supporting women across Canada.
Help me move those mountains!