Elaine Cooper
Elaine Cooper Your Better Living Coach Get Up & Grow! On Pousse! Cooking Through Chaos
There now, I’ve got that off my chest. Don’t mean to shout, but you don’t need to blame yourselves every time you make unhealthy eating choices. You’ve heard the chips ad “Bet you can’t eat just one!”.
That’s the whole idea with processed food. To make them as addictive as possible with ingredients your body will crave (unhealthy fats, salt, sugar). They are easy to pick up but lack the nutrients our bodies’ need.
Say nothing about hearing and seeing the ad over and over when you are nice and comfy in your favourite chair watching some TV or on the computer before bed.
Ads are placed to make you jump up and grab something quick like cheesie sticks, chips, cookies or ice cream. And one will never do! There is a whole lot of subtle but powerful messaging in producing and placement.
You don’t have to believe me! Keep an eye out next time you watch a show or you are on the internet to see how many times one pops up at you.
The answer to keeping the addiction under control? Integrate more nutrient dense snacks, something that will satisfy your cravings.
That's why I take Juice Plus+ the #1 nutritional product in the world and recommend my clients do the same. I cannot get the amount of dense nutrients anywhere else that my body needs to keep up with a busy life. And I'm "getting to be that age, you know"!