It’s Your Choice!
Sandy Rutherford
Success Mindset Coach, Destiny Maker & Success Accelerator. Cut the C.R.A.P. Mentor, Entrepreneur, Amazon Best Selling Author.
There may be times you think that you don’t have a choice in a situation.
But here’s the truth – you always have a choice.
It’s your paradigms – your subconscious conditioning or programming that limits your thinking. It can be incredibly empowering to realize that you always have a choice.
Here are some powerful examples.
Someone cuts you off in traffic or doesn’t show up to meet with you when they agreed to – you can choose to spin that negatively and be mad at them and blame them, or you can CHOOSE to spin it positively. You could choose to think – oh well, now I have more time to do something else, or maybe you wonder if something stressful is going on in that person’s life and so you send them some love. The difference in the impact on you is huge – the positive choice puts you on a much higher vibration and allows you to stay in control!
Way better choice, right?
In other words, you always have a choice about the vibration you are in.
Here’s another example. Are you letting past failures or mistakes own you? Are you constantly thinking about what didn’t work, didn’t happen for you in the past, or what you don’t have? You have a clear choice here – CHOOSE to give your attention and therefore energy to the results you want. Keep focused on visualizing how you want things to work out.
Here’s the truth about your mind – it can only focus on one thing at any given moment. So, if you’re dwelling on (repeatedly thinking about) the problems and the things that aren’t working for you, your mind CANNOT focus on the solution.
If you are focused on why you can’t, then you can’t! Your mind will not be able to focus on how you CAN if you are thinking about all the reasons you can’t. And the great thing is – there are WAY MORE reasons why you can than why you can’t.
You have unlimited potential, and you can indeed do anything you truly desire, so then you must believe in yourself – you are SO WORTH IT! How many times have you intellectually thought that you DO believe in yourself, but deep down you know you DON'T? You will only go as far as your beliefs allow. So if you are fully capable of achieving what you truly desire, and you are, do you choose to believe in yourself or not?
Realize that you have the choice to decide on anything you face. Procrastination, which is the killer of success, is the act of not deciding. You always have the choice to decide, so make that first decision to start deciding, kick procrastination to the curb and watch your results dramatically change. Decision is the #1 attribute of successful people – CHOOSE to embrace that attribute.
As mentioned earlier, it’s incredibly empowering to know that you always have a choice.
Embrace positive choices, choices that serve you to achieve all that you are capable of and more, much, much more!
Here’s an incredible and positive choice for you. Choose to join our next FASTPATH to Success – our signature free training starting April 26th. It will change your world. Registration is now open.
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You couldn’t make a better choice for yourself!
To your phenomenal growth and success,