"It's not you... it's me", Taming the customer's insecurities
Jay Makoni
I churn out emails that get you crazy sales (so you can focus on coaching), Get fully booked in 2025 with your email list. How ????
No no no no no!... I'm not breaking up with you.
Don't get the wrong idea there! Let me explain. You see:
People are an interesting bunch.
Find someone with a problem, show them you have a solution... prove the solution works... and offer to give it for them for free... and you're actually quite likely to get a no, thought not nearly as likely as a yes... but you WILL get a not from some.
“Wait wat”...?
I hear you mutter.
Well, my example may be a tad exaggerated but hear me out, okay?
One thing I've seen about people is how if they have a problem...
They love being told the problem can be fixed.
It's that sense of hope which keeps them going. Unfortunately, there's another small issue which many marketers tend to ignore in this whole equation.
You see... us marketers and copywriters are so in love with the sound of our own voices, we tend to forget that one huge reason people don't buy isn't because they don't trust the product.
Oh no... they absolutely do trust the product.
Heck... they recommend the shit to their friends in a heartbeat.
Instead, what they don't trust, is themselves.
See what I meant when I said “It's not you, it's me?”. That's what's going on in the customer's head.
Think about it for a minute.
You're going to find many cases where they market has such strong in built insecurities and doubts about their own ability to actually solve the problem... that you're gonna have to convince them that:
?YES, the product works.
?YES, your problem can solves.
?YES, your specific strain of the problem can be fixed too... no matter how special you think it is.
But let's get real here.
In 99% of all the cases, most of the so called “special cases” your customers have they use to convince themselves not to buy from you.... are all the same. They just think they're special because, well... why not?
People love feeling special.
Unfortunately most of them aren't going to realise that “special” stands in the way of progress.
So is the human mind.
Always standing in it's way.
Let me know in the comments below how YOUR market has stood in it's way, even though they know full well your product works ( or, the product you're selling ). And, if possible, share how you overcame that problem.
In one of my favorite markets... men's dating... most men actually believe they can't ever get girls because of such dumb factors as their looks, or social status. You can give them all the proof you want in the sales letter, or email... but until you address these insecurities they have, they ain't buying.