It's A Wrap
Vineet Verghese
Business Leader. Thought Leader, Board Director | VP Commercial Financial Services, Langley & Fraser Valley
Two weeks into the new year and we are in the process of putting away our Christmas decorations at home. This year, my family chose to give away bulk of the candy and sweet treats that were gifted to us. When we got to the local food bank we realized that we were not the only ones with the brainwave. Got me wondering if this a trend due to the awareness about the health effects of consuming too much sugar and artificial sweeteners? For me personally, it was about not having to deal with unwanted medical tests and difficult conversations thereafter with my doctor :)
According to a YouGov poll for 2018, last year’s most most popular resolution was to “exercise more,” with 59%. Other popular resolutions included “eat healthier” (54%), “save money” (51%), “lose weight” (48%) and “reduce stress” (38%). However, new data from YouGov Omnibus shows that about one-third (31%) of Americans who made New Year’s Resolutions last year say they didn't stick to any of their resolutions. A plurality (38%) say they stuck to "some" of their resolutions. Over half of Americans (54%) say they didn't make a 2018 resolution in the first place.
As the new year begins, how are you making out with your new year resolutions if you made any? I'm trending okay for the moment and this post is evidence of one of my resolutions. However, there are several others I made that are probably never going to see the light of day if I don't get cracking on them. I wish you an outstanding 2019 and look forward to many engaging conversations as we track our progress.