IT’S WORSE THAN YOU THINK. But Not For The Reasons You Might Think

Remember the scene in Casablanca where Captain Renault says, “I’m shocked!? Shocked to see that gambling is going on here!”? Only to collect his winnings a moment later.? That’s the feeling I get when I listen to all the political pundits talking about Biden.? But, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.? Maybe they’re just stupid.?

You know who wasn’t shocked?? Everybody who watches FOX news. Yep. Those deplorable people who? believe all those right wing lies. To them, seeing Biden fall on his face seemed as likely as seeing the sun rise. That’s because FOX has been playing every stumble Biden has made over the years on a constant loop. And there were plenty.? It was a tiny bit like the old days when you turned on the news and you got...the news.?

Okay, so the cat’s out of the bag.? The beans are spilled. The goose is cooked. Not only does everyone know that the President is a walking vegetable, but it seems pretty obvious that every media outlet that DIDN’T report it? are frauds.? Now I’m not saying that FOX is a completely impartial paragon of journalism. They spin plenty. Yet, in this cycle,? there’s no denying that emphasizing the reality of Biden’s incompetence? was dead on.?

But the historical nature of this occurrence goes beyond the corrupt media –beyond the delusional sycophants –beyond the ability for the public to stick its collective head in the sand. Now we’re seeing the Democratic leadership scrambling to find a way to take grandpa Joey out. It’s like a scene from Goodfellas.? He’s trouble,? and he’s gotta go. WACK!!!

?And why?? Are they concerned that a man incapable of rational thought might be a danger to the American people?? Nah.? Why would they give a rats ass about that?? They were willing to watch the country burn in 2020 when it suited their agenda. They stir up animosity between the races to generate support. They allow criminals to enter the country unchecked in the hope that they may someday get their vote.? They kept people from earning a living and children getting educated. They allowed people to die in Afghanistan because? a poll favored a withdrawal. They told the public to “follow the science’ when? there was no science at all. Pretty much everything they do is entirely fabricated for one reason and one reason only – to maintain power.? The damage to the country be damned. And they know they can get away with it because people are gullible. The fact that anyone was surprised that Joe Biden is senile is proof of that.??

And it’s not just the politicians. Now the celebrities are making public statements – because they want their high powered pals to stay in control. It’s quite cozy being able to call up Barack Obama and get a favor. And Barry and Michelle love rubbing elbows with the stars. They throw the best parties! ? And the stars? love the perks of having a friend who can make their life more profitable. One self absorbed greedy hand washes the other.? Bill Maher mentioned Gavin Newson as a replacement for no other reason than, “He’s a winner.” ? When questioned by guest Patrick Bet-David what Newsom has done, Maher had no answer. It didn’t matter.? Newsom can win. And THAT is all that matters.?

It seems like reality is mimicking reality TV.? Life imitating art. Or in this case, trash. ? The end result is being entertained.? And there’s nothing more entertaining than seeing your team win.?

And by the way, who is it that has? endorsed this societal result? ? One where criminals go free while law abiding citizens suffer. Where activists demand that our children and grandchildren be exposed to transvestites. Where mobs demand death to the Jews. Where the police are vilified and anarchists? receive sympathy. Where they tear down statues of Lincoln and Jefferson and praise communism. Where Americans struggle to make ends meet while the government sends billions of dollars in aid to foreign countries.? Who? caused all of this?? TRUMP VOTERS? ? But wait…,they’re made out to be the enemy of Democracy.? The irony would be laughable if? those committing it were intelligent enough? to recognise it.?

We might as well accept it. ? The Shakespherian adage holds true. All the world is a stage and the people are merely players.?

Well, maybe some of those players will start realizing that the play they’re in really stinks.??

And it’s time for a? heavy edit.?


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