It's not what you think!
He struggles ... a lot ... but

It's not what you think!

“Vast majority of challenging kids already know how we want them to behave. They know they’re supposed to do what they’re told. They know they’re not supposed to disrupt the learning of their classmates or run out of the school when they’re upset or embarrassed. And they know they’re not supposed to hit people, swear, or call out in class. So they don’t need us to put lots of effort into teaching them how we want them to behave. And while this may be hard to believe, most challenging kids already want to behave the right way. They don’t need us to continue giving them stickers, depriving them of recess, or suspending them from school; they’re already motivated. They need something else from us.”

― Ross W. Greene, Lost at School: Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them

Through I have been hosting Dr Ross Greene since 2011 ... never tire of hearing his message, know it makes a difference and his CPS Model literally changes lives. He has an incredible website full of resources for parents (caregivers), educators and other professionals BUT if you ever have the opportunity of hearing him live and you are working or raising a child struggling with behavourial challenges - don't let the opportunity pass you by. has grown from bringing world renown speakers and events to rural communities ~ thus saving the additional cost of travel, accommodation and food etc ~ to hosting in larger cities like Kelowna and Vancouver in British Columbia, and Winnipeg in Manitoba. Now where would you be? Contact me - you never know where I'm planning to host next, it could be near you!



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