It's not wasted, it's wisdom.
Image: Alecia Hoyt Photography

It's not wasted, it's wisdom.

Can I tell you how many times I have spent weeks on end, maybe months, going in one direction that turned out to be completely off the path I intended for myself?

It's a lot of times.

Because, wow, it is so easy to get lost in life. To let people and things and ideas distract you. To let all that stuff confuse and dampen your voice. To let all the shoulds get the best of you.

Has this ever happened to you?

I bet it has. Probably just as many times as it has happened to me. And while it happens plenty in life and relationships, it might just happen the most in work and career. Especially for those of use who are doing a lot of work online, or for entrepreneurs, small businesses, non-traditional services, there is a plethora of information out there about exactly what you should be doing to have the most success.

A lot of times, this comes in the form of systems and formulas. Everybody has a system or a formula. Six figures in six months! The ultimate social media marketing plan! Follow this system and all your business dreams will come true!

That last one would be especially excellent, right?

But here’s the thing about systems and formulas – they work great for the people who created them. Realistic, replicable results for everyone else? That’s questionable.

I don’t care how much it’s been studied, documented, or analyzed, what works for some people will not work for all people.

It’s tempting though, to be sure. We all want an easy answer. We want to know exactly what to post and when to get the highest engagement, the most clicks. We want to know exactly the best thing to share to create a buzz. We want to know exactly how to craft content that converts. But, as with anything else in life, there is no exactly, what, when, or how.

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s still difficult not to get caught up in that noise. We can do research till the cows come home, we can learn from industry experts, we can set up systems. We can even execute different strategies and A/B test till the cows come home. And probably half the time, maybe more, none of it will work. It won’t be a fit. Engagement, inquiries, conversions, whatever outcomes and results you’re after, will go down instead of up.

And then, it feels like everything is wrong and all that time, money, and energy invested was a complete and utter waste.

But guess what? It wasn’t. What it was? Wisdom. Information. And we like information. We can use that.

It can be so frustrating to go through these times when you think you’re doing the right thing for yourself or your business, and then it turns out that it was actually veering off the path all along. That’s why it’s really important to have a way to look at this through a different lens.

Lucky for me, I've got a trusted advisory board of diverse folks who will not only let me vent then build me up a bit, but also give me critical feedback, and put up with me while I argue with it until I get the point. (Spoiler alert: Kourtney doesn't always take criticism well!) I can’t recommend this enough to gain perspective. That perspective can be a great jumping off point for how to reconnect with your path.

Outside perspective helps, but most of the time, you’ll also end up at a point of clarity. In these times, you'll eventually get to the point of understanding no one knows you better than you. No one else knows your heart. No one else knows your business, your dreams, your path, better than you.

Do not, do NOT, let anyone tell you what to do with yourself, or how. That's for you to decide.

I know it might happen, and this is just as much of a reminder for me as for you. So when, if, it does happen, and you're feeling lost and frustrated with yourself - know that it's still not time wasted in the wrong direction, no matter how much it feels that way.

It's only new wisdom.


Kourtney Thomas a coach who helps women get really clear on their choices. Then, and more importantly – make them, now, without fear. You can find out more about her on her website or sign up for her email list for weekly insights and updates.


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