It's up to us to drive this change!

This video stopped me in my tracks -- we all have a role to play in driving change.

I have sons and a daughter and I have raised them all to be strong, confident, kind contributing members of society. The fact that my daughter could be paid less, treated differently, not taken seriously, intimidated, or not valued for her all that she is, all that she brings to the world -- her worth simply due to her gender doesn't sit well with me. We all have a role to play in driving this change -- in our communities, in our companies, in our society. Merit is merit, regardless of gender, colour or whatever someone might use to detract from our capabilities and value. We are all going to have to stand up, stand tall, stand big and use our outside voice to "be the change we want to see in the world". It is not someone else's problem. It is our collective problem and it requires strong voices to break down the barriers that prevent us from living to our full potential, from having opportunities to thrive and grow. We have to have conversations that matter, that have actions associated with them to ensure the futures of our children can materialize without roadblocks and barriers that are within our control to minimize. So my challenge to everyone is -- what can you do? Whether you have a daughter or not, I know there are young women in your life, or even your partner or sibling who must talk about this, who share their experiences and challenges in navigating the world. Or maybe you are struggling yourself trying to break down the barriers, trying to push forward and lead the way. I'd love to talk and hear what initiatives, programs and ideas you have. In the many women's events I attend -- conferences, webinars, networking events this is an ongoing topic of discussion. Talking is good -- action is better. Feel free to reach out and share your ideas. Would love to hear from you --


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