If it's Not an Unambiguous Yes...
Mike Clayton
Communicator, educator, speaker, and YouTuber focusing on Project Management
A simple thought from me today.
It's something I often tell people in live training.
If it's not an unambiguous yes...
Treat it as a 'no'.
So, that means:
- 'maybe'
- 'I thinks so'
- 'In principle'
- 'Ye-e-e-s-s-s'
- 'I suppose so'
...and even 'I am sure'.
Because, let's face it: if they were sure, it wouldn't occur to them to say so.
That doesn't mean it is a No
But it certainly isn't a yes. And that means you have work to do.
Find out what's on their mind, and blocking them from an unambiguous yes. Because if, instead, you act as if 'I expect so' meant 'yes', you'll be disappointed. Maybe not always, but often.
And, more to the point, you'll feel let down
In their mind though, they didn't let you down, because they never made a commitment. And it's that mismatch of perceptions that causes friction and conflict. Add that to the inconvenience of a delay, or maybe even a failure, and you misery is complete.
So, always...
- Look them in the eye and ask them for a commitment.
- If the answer is not an unambiguous 'yes', then treat it as a 'no', and get clarification.
By the Way...
My earlier book, 'The Yes/No Book: How to do less... and achieve more' is still available: