It’s a Two-Way Street
Johnny Walker
My time being a blue-collar family member and worker has taught me to work with less and expect more. I will always strive for excellence and encourage everyone’s inner greatness.
Selfishness is a one-way street, and that is why they call you "one-way" when you go to the coffee shop just for you without telling anyone. However, selfishness can be a two-way street in many places, and you are just as wrong for guilting someone as they are for forgetting to tell you or bring something back. That is why we are not secure private entities. Unless we have chosen to isolate ourselves entirely and remain off the grid, we deal with others somehow.
Like it or not, it is a two-way street when you are around others.?Yes, people can be selfish and unthoughtful, but you need to ask yourself, are you doing the same things??Many of us need to remember to ask that question. Did the person hold the door open for you? Did you leave the last bottle of soda because you already had one and did not really need two? Or did you both just act selfishly, maybe? But the person in front of you might not have seen you, so they could hold the door open on a windy day. Or you could have promised somebody a soda when you got back, and you had to buy the last one. However, if you are the person behind those people, did you take any of that into consideration before you were upset? We have become so polarized in our world that we have forgotten that it is a two-way street with multiple lanes dealing with millions of people daily. Like it or not, it would be ideal for us to take a minute instead of staring down that long line of life and look to either side so we can understand what's going on in the other lanes. The people you trust may not give you the best advice if they constantly tell you to stay in your lane, mind your business, and never look over. Many people have said, "Stay in your lane," but does that mean you should never look over; of course not. Those people who give you that advice may not be the best people to receive advice from because they only look one way, and maybe that is why we need to understand that it is a two-way street.
Well, that's my spiel for today…
#LaborRecipes #TwoWayStreet #Selfishness