We all talk about what the plans for the week are and then on Friday talk about how fast the week went and what we didn’t get done.  So it’s Tuesday, how's your week so far?  Are you still on schedule or are you getting behind already.

If you are already falling behind already what is your MINDSET?  Are you going through a six step process to fix it or are you making excuses that because of something or somebody your week is being derailed.  An easy way to get back on track or find a solution to make a wise decision with your time for the rest of the week lies in 6 questions.

  1. What is my present situation?
  2. How would I like it to be?
  3. What are my possible choices?
  4. What’s the likely outcome of each?
  5. Which choices will I commit to doing?
  6. When and how will I evaluate my plan?

Now these six questions are not just for figuring out your week but can be used in almost every project we do daily.  Personally I have a plan each week.  It is something I started doing after being placed on furlough in March and continue to do it today.  I use my calendar daily but I also set myself up a project plan to help me stay on track and execute.

Some of the tasks within my project plan are directly linked to other tasks therefore can’t be done until they are done and this allows me to stay on course.  My calendar overview for the week is what my present situation is.  How I would like the end of my week to look will be dependent on what I accomplish at the beginning of the week.  My choices are simple in that how much time I dedicate in my home office regarding class work at the beginning of the week will affect the end of the week.  What projects I accomplish at the beginning of the week around the house will affect what I need to do at the end of the week.  My outcome is simple when it comes to classwork, if I choose to not do my work that is due on Friday until Thursday, I will have no room for issues that may come up where if I begin it on Monday I now have 5 days to accomplish it.  I have committed to doing what I can on Monday and Tuesday so that I have a few days at the end of the week to accomplish what has not been done at the beginning.  I evaluate where I am at on it on Wednesday mornings and adjust accordingly so that my week is successful.

Today is Tuesday and I have been hard at marking tasks on my project sheet as 100% completed.  

  1. I mowed the yard and field
  2. I spoke with the student advisor at the college to set up another class the 2nd half of the fall semester and drop a class that I am on the waitlist for during that time frame.  Also set up my spring classes.
  3. I spoke with the Veterans Administration Vocational Rehab Counselor and was accepted into the program so that the VA will help me with my college finances and set me up for work.
  4. I have finished and submitted all work and tests for one of my classes that will be due by Friday at 1 pm.
  5. I am ? through my other class with a paper almost done to be submitted and then will take a test to complete this week's work.  This work is not due until next Tuesday but will be completed today.
  6. I handled some personal business that needed to be done for the week.
  7. I have posted my daily LinkedIn post on both Monday and Tuesday and have the rest of the weeks posts queued up in the project sheet I use to track all my social media content.

If your Tuesday is already off track accept ownership of what is going on, make a plan to fix your week, and TAKE ACTION.


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