It's Not About Trump
Richard Ramos
Speaker, Author, CEO - Founder of Parents on a Mission & Youth on a Mission
This won't be brief but I'll try...
First - full disclosure - In voting I am loyal to my conscience above political party (Independent). Thus, my conscience would not allow me to vote for either Presidential candidate.
For those who are overreacting over the top and protesting the recent Presidential election - you're missing the point if all you do is focus on President-Elect Trump.
The real issue that the American people need to understand is WHY or HOW can a guy like this be elected? And, WHY or HOW did a politician like Clinton get rejected? We recently saw the same thing happen with the "BREXIT" vote in England. What was that about?
Answer: It's about the "PEOPLE". The common people finally waking up to the Elite snobs that have robbed us of our money (2008 bailout), jobs (NAFTA/CAFTA/GATT/WTO), and continue to insult our intelligence with a double standard of how the law is applied to me and you vs. those in positions of authority (some, not all, Police) and the Elite privileged "at the top."
These are not Republican or Democrat issues alone. Both parties are guilty of brining our country to where we find ourselves today, which we all know is not a good place.
This election was about letting the "out of touch" media and DC Establishment know we've had enough of their crap (sorry, but I'm not sure what other word to use to make the point). Trump just happened to be in the right place (an outsider of DC) at the right time (Terrorist attacks in our homeland, police shootings, job scarcity, especially in the places that voted him in, and why he was able to flip States like Michigan and Pennsylvania which historically vote Democrat. Those places have been hardest hit with policies like NAFTA).
Sure - now we have to wait and see what Trump will actually do. But we shouldn't make any harsh presumptions because we all know by now that few Presidents (Obama included) actually do what they say they will do, or accomplish all they'd like to accomplish, for a variety of reasons, as is the nature of our democracy.
It just seems to me that so many protestors are protesting the wrong issue. That's not to say we don't have the right to voice our dissatisfaction with the outcome of the election.
However, the larger question is NOT what problems Trump might create - but rather what problems create conditions that allow people like Trump to get elected.
Where do we go from here?
We all have our place in this country to do our part in making "America Great." Citizens should NOT depend upon, nor look to government, to fix our social problems. It's not up to them. It's up us - of, by and for the people to govern ourselves as our constitution states.
I encourage you all to stay focused on the positive contributions you have made and are making to your local community because that is what really counts in my opinion.
As for me - this is why I do what I do in developing parent mentors. I can't think of many things more important that contributes to a safe, healthy community & country than PARENTS ON A MISSION who are taking responsibility for role modeling to their children what it means to be a good spouse, parent, sibling and citizen in their community, which all starts in our home life behind closed doors.
In Parents on a Mission I teach this slogan: "The First Family is not in the White House, it's in your house", which the graphic below depicts.
Please read it. Contemplate it. And live it!
In the words of Henry David Thoreau:
"For every thousand men hacking at the leaves of evil, there is always one hacking at the root."
I believe PARENTS ON A MISSION are providing the best way to hack at the roots of evil in our society.
Blessings to you all - RRR