It’s the “Trump Factor” at Work

It’s the “Trump Factor” at Work

Some will call it an “effective headline” while others call it “click bait”.

But in either case, stay on the line because I want to share a short fishing story with you that will help you sell more... and it’s so simple that anyone can do it!

Every year I take the kids on a 2-week camping trip in northern Wisconsin, just outside of Minocqua, on the shores of Big St. Germain lake at a campground called Lynn Ann’s.

While my wife's workload seems to dramatically spike each year during this 2-week period, forcing her to "miss" the trips, the kids love them and each year there’s always the need for a 2nd vehicle to transport all the “imported” kids that accompany my own.

Waterskiing, wakeboarding, jet skiing, boating, swimming, and staying up extra late roaming the campground or sitting around the “teens only” campfire with friends they’ve met through the years of other “kids of regulars” seems to be the magic for my kids and my “imports”.

But for me, I like to swap out the “staying up late” for the “getting up early and fishing”.

Lynn Ann’s campground is well known for the excellent fishing and lures a large population of it’s customers with the promise of Musky, Northern, Walleye, Bass, Perch, Crappie and Blue Gills.

A quick glance around their small marina and you’ll see enough Smoker Craft Bass boats and Lund fishing boats stuffed to the gills with enough electronics to plot every crevice of the lake bottom and find every fish swimming its waters. The owners of these boats are hard core, dedicated fisherman, that get up early and fish into the evening darkness.

But something odd happens around 11:00 AM each morning.

As we converge upon the fish cleaning table each morning, I already know exactly who’s going to be there. I know them by their names, not because I have a photographic memory, but because it’s always the same people and there are so few of them.

It seems the fancy electronics filled bass boats far outnumber the people that actually catch fish!

In contrast, the few of us that are at the cleaning table each day don’t talk about “how many” fish we’ve caught; we talk about “how long” it took us to hit our limit.

Some days you can barely keep a line in the water and other days you need to “work it” a little harder but we always come back with our limit.

Do you want to know our magical “secret”?

We go where the fish are.

We have simple rigs and get into the tree stumps, the fallen trees, the underwater cover and put our bait in front of the “customer” and ask them for the order. It’s that simple!

Years ago I abandoned my fancy boat with the electronics and overflowing tackle box for a simple Hoby kayak, ultra-light Fenwick rod, hook, bobber sinker and a bin of worms. This simple rig allows me to drift right into the “cover” the fish hang out in and plop the bait in front of them to make it really easy for them to take accept my offer.

I’m not sitting in a convenient section of the lake, with my glittering Bass boat, trying to lure the fish to me. I’m keeping it simple and just presenting a tempting offer (after all, who can resist a fat night crawler?).

This simple concept fills my fish basket every time I paddle onto the water. It works for the others clearing along side me and this same concept works in business too!

So I need to ask you...

...are you running your business with a “glittery Bass boat” or do you keep it simple and focus on the customer?

Are you buying into the trendy “hacking, cracking and jacking” method of building sales funnels or are you using simple CRM sales automation to buy time and freedom from the tasks you would normally do manually in your customer centric sales funnel… you know, the sales funnel that actually reflects what you do as a sales person to actually hook a customer?

If you’re not “cleaning up” at the sales register, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your sales model and see if you’re keeping it simple and truly plopping your “bait” in front of your customer or if you’re wasting a lot of time, effort, and money so you can sit in a convenient and comfortable place trying to “lure” your customers to you.

Oh yeah, what does this have to do with “trump”? It’s simple.

Simplicity “trumps” complicated every time!

Gary Jezorski

PS The CloudNet360 small business sales automation system is arguably the easiest CRM available to set up and replicate your existing sales process to lighten your load while accelerating sales.

Take a 30-day test drive today and discover how you can spend more time at the “cleaning table” and less time standing around the “cleaning table” complaining about water skiers, wake boarders, jet skiers, flies, mosquitoes, and all the other things blocking your success.

PPS No fish were actually harmed in the creation of this article. After we filet the fish, we always toss them back in to “regrow” their sides… it’s almost like getting a haircut ??. 


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