This week, on Thursday 18 May, the seventh edition of TranScreen kicks off in Kriterion, Amsterdam. We open with the beautiful, honest, and personal documentary 'North by Current' by filmmaker and long-time TranScreen goer Angelo Madsen Minax.

This newsletter will highlight some special treats within our 2023 program. Though we love every single film in the program and we urge you to find it on our website! We will also discuss the workshops we have planned, as well as some of the additional talks and Q&As in the program.

We hope to see you this weekend in Kriterion & JACO for the seventh edition of the TranScreen Film Festival!

On behalf of the organization of TranScreen,

LauraIn this newsletter:

Program highlights

While we love every film we have in our program and we hope you will be able to see as many films as possible, we will highlight a few standouts. You will find the full program?here.

Hoewel we iedere film in ons programma geweldig vinden en we hopen dat je er zoveel mogelijk kunt zien, zullen we een paar opvallende films hier uitlichten. Het hele programma is?hier?te vinden.North By Current (opening film)

Angelo Madsen Minax | USA | 2021 | 85 min | English spoken | English subtitles

Thursday 18 May - 19:30 - Kriterion 1

A raw, honest, and personal film, gripping from start to finish. After the mysterious death of his young niece, filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his Michigan hometown and offers an experimental take on two storylines of loss and grief.

Een rauwe, eerlijke en persoonlijke film die je van begin tot einde grijpt. Na de geheimzinnige dood van zijn jonge nichtje keert filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax terug naar zijn geboorteplaats in Michigan en geeft een experimentele kijk op twee verhaallijnen over verlies en rouw.

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Why you should see it: this film is a personal story told through the eyes of Minax. It does not follow the general rules of documentaries but blurs the line between the protagonist and the storyteller, making the trans person (Minax) not only the subject but also the narrator of the film.

More information on 'North by Current'

Birds of the Borderlands

Jordan Bryon | Jordan, Libanon, Palestine | 2019 | 93 min | Berber, English spoken |

English subtitles | Documentary

Friday 19 May - 19:30 - Kriterion 2

In Jordan, four Arab queers learn to survive, caught between honor and freedom, hope and sacrifice. We are proud to host the Dutch premiere of this documentary.

In deze rauwe, indrukwekkende documentaire volgt filmmaker Jordan, een Australische, non-binaire persoon, vier Arabische queers. In Jordani? leren ze te overleven, gevangen tussen eer en vrijheid, hoop en opoffering. We zijn er trots op de Nederlandse première van de film te organiseren.

Why you should see it: this documentary highlights the struggles of queer and trans people in Jordan, especially those confronted by borders of all kinds. With an after talk by Nour Anne, who fled Kuwait and is involved with?Trans United.

More information on 'Birds of the Borderlands'^ top

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Asian Stories (shorts)

Saturday 20 May - 15:10 - Kriterion 2

In this collection of shorts, you will see four fiction films from four very different filmmakers. We start with?Little Sky, a Chinese American story of a drag queen who returns to the city where they were raised to find their estranged immigrant father. We continue with the first asexual fiction story in TranScreen's history:?Luv, Me. Then, we move our perspective to Japan for?Between Us, a drama about navigating different expectations in a relationship. We close the shorts collection with the South-Korean film?God's Daughter Dances, a story about defying structures that restrict and ridicule us and finding your strength.

In deze verzameling korte films zie je vier fictiefilms van vier hele verschillende filmmakers. Allereerst?Little Sky,?een film over een Chinees-Amerikaanse drag queen. Vervolgens zie je de eerste aseksuele short in de geschiedenis van TranScreen:?Luv, Me. Daarna is het de beurt aan?Between Us, een verhaal uit Japan. We sluiten af met?God's Daughter Dances?uit Zuid-Korea.

Why you should see it:?This short program comprises fiction stories in which the protagonist's transgender, nonbinary, or genderfluid identity is not the central issue. Instead, the protagonists face struggles in life in which their gender identity is only part of the equation. This program also contains the very first film with an asexual protagonist in the history of our film festival.

More information on the 'Asian Stories'?program

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UYRA - The Rising Forest

Juliana Curi | Brazil, USA | 2022 | 72 min | Portuguese spoken | English subtitles | Documentary

Uyra, a trans-indigenous artist travels through the Amazon forest on a journey of self-discovery using performance art and ancestral messages to teach indigenous youth and confront structural racism and transphobia in Brazil.

Uyra, een trans inheems kunstenaar reist door het Amazonewoud op een reis van zelfontdekking en gebruikt hierbij performancekunst en boodschappen van voorouders om inheemse jeugd te onderwijzen en structureel racisme en transfobie in Brazili? aan te pakken.

Why you should see it: this documentary shows the work of a transgender and indigenous activist Uyra in Brazil. The documentary is paired with the short film 'Flores del Otro Patio' to highlight the underrepresented perspectives of queer and indigenous environmental activists in South America.

More information on UYRA - The Rising Forest

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Workshops, Q&A's, panel & party

This festival, we have an array of workshops in our program. There are also Q&As, after talks, a panel, and a party! We will highlight what we have in store for you, next to our wonderful film program.?

Dit festival hebben we een aanbod van workshops. Ook zijn er Q&A's, nagesprekken, een panel en een feest! We zullen hier uitlichten wat we, naast onze geweldige films, voor jullie in petto hebben.


All our workshops are donation based. You can register via our website.

Bij al onze workshops wordt alleen een vrijwillige donatie gevraagd. Je kunt je aanmelden via onze website.

Identity Zine?- Thursday 18 May - 13:00 - JACO

Comic artist Vick Henriquez will create a zine with you around the theme ‘film’.

Stripkunstenaar Vick Henriquez maakt?samen met jou een zine rond het thema ‘film’.

WORKshop?- Friday 19 May - 13:00 - JACO

Workshop door TNN voor trans, intersekse en non binaire werknemers waarin je leert welke rechten je hebt en welke stappen je kunt ondernemen wanneer je discriminatie meemaakt op de werkvloer.

This workshop is in Dutch.

Joyful Dance?- Saturday 20 May - 12:30 - JACO

Dancer Hugo de Graaf is going to dance with you and do movement exercises.?

Danser Hugo de Graaf gaat met jullie dansen en bewegingsoefeningen doen.

Move Your Body?- Thursday 18 May 15:30 & Saturday 20 May 14:30 - We Are Queer

We Are Queer Gym wants to take away the discomforts of the gym and provides you with a fun and enjoyable workout.

We Are Queer Gym wil de ongemakken van de sportschool wegnemen en zorgt voor een leuke en fijne workout.

Sign up mandatory - Aanmelden verplicht!

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We have many guests at our festival this year. The following programs will include a Q&A with filmmaker(s) or protagonist(s):?North by Current?(with filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax),?Van Eigen Bodem (Dutch shorts)?(with various Dutch filmmakers, including the Transketeers),?Blue ID?(with filmmakers from Turkey),?Porn ShorTs?(with Bear Silver),?When Men Were Men?(with actors from Ireland), and?Lotus Sports Club?(with the producer).

We hebben veel gasten op ons festival dit jaar, waardoor veel films worden gevolgd door een Q&A met de filmmaker(s) of protagonist(en). Het hele overzicht vind je op?onze website.

Panel, Aftertalks & Party

In addition to these wonderful workshops and Q&As, we also have a panel conversation on Sunday in JACO, following the screening of the Dutch film 'Met zonder ballen'. We also have many aftertalks in which a guest will dive deeper into the subject matter of the film. The full overview can be found on?our website. On Saturday at 23:00 in Kriterion, Club Transmission will host an?epic TranScreen party.

Naast deze fantastische workshops en Q&A's, is er op zondag in JACO ook een panelgesprek na de vertoning van de Nederlandse film 'Met zonder ballen'. We hebben ook vele nagesprekken waarbij een gast dieper op het onderwerp van de film in zal gaan. Het hele overzicht is te vinden op?onze website. Op zaterdag om 23:00 uur geeft Club Transmission in Kriterion een episch?TranScreen feest.^ top

Locations & partners

We are delighted to hold the seventh edition of TranScreen once again in Kriterion and JACO. Both locations are in Amsterdam and easily reachable via public transport. Our film program takes place in the cinema Kriterion, while the workshops and the panel conversation will take place in JACO. Both venues are within walking distance of each other. The sports workshops take place in the gym 'We Are Queer'.

We zijn blij dat de zevende editie van TranScreen opnieuw plaats vindt in Kriterion en JACO. Beide locaties zijn in Amsterdam en makkelijk te bereiken met het ov. Ons filmprogramma is in filmtheater Kriterion en de workshops en het panelgepsrek zijn in JACO. Beide locaties liggen op loopafstand van elkaar. De sportworkshops vinden plaats in de sportschool 'We Are Queer'.

More info on the locations / meer info over de locaties

We are partnering with for our 'Porn ShorTs' on Friday night. is a group of (former) sex workers, feminists, queer and trans people from all different walks of life and background. They just had their first art festival: Whorehouse Cinema. With pleasure, they will treat you to an hour of porn shorts with a focus on sex work and trans desire.

Voor onze 'Porn ShorTs', werken we samen met een groep met (voormalige) sekswerkers, feministen, queer en trans mensen met verschillende achtergronden. Ze hebben net hun festival Whorehouse Cinema achter de rug en kijken ernaar uit je te verwennen met een uur porno, met een focus op sekswerk en trans verlangens.

Dutch filmmaker collective the Transketeers?will premier their brand new short film 'I am not a Number: Mavi' at our festival! The collection of?Dutch shorts?Friday will conclude with two shorts in their 'I am not a Number' series: the stories of Alejandra and Mavi.

Het Nederlandse filmmakerscollectief de Transketeers zullen hun gloednieuwe korte film 'I am not a Number: Mavi' op ons festival in premiere laten gaan! Het 'Van Eigen Bodem' programma op vrijdag zal afsluiten met twee korte documentaires uit hun serie 'I am not a Number': de verhalen van Alejandra en Mavi.

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