It's About Time You Made A Choice Where Your Emotional Energy is Going...Don't You Think?
Today I am going to discuss the most important concept to understand to have a great life and that is all about one's attitude - which goes back to how one is feeling from moment to moment.
There was a time, sadly, not that far in the past when I could be triggered by certain people when they said certain things. Now, this is something that many people deal with, or not...depending on how consciously conscious one is of how one is coming across to others...or more importantly allowing oneself to feel it in their body because one most definitely does feel the rage, the resentment, the feeling of self-righteousness if one is more present to that feeling. For those who are not...many end up developing cancer, autoimmune illness, and heart disease.
One of the learnings that I received from all of my NLP training was that I had control of my 'state' - meaning how I felt at any given moment - to the degree that I am willing to be conscious of the emotional state that I am in at any particular moment.
You see, like many of you, for far too long I would blame others for the way I felt - until I learned that I can indeed be in control of how I either respond to the situation - meaning taking a deep breath and considering how best to deal with it or better, realize that in most cases I don't know what I don't know so to totally refrain from doing anything, till I understand the larger context as to why the other person is acting in the manner in which they are at that moment in time.
The way that I do this is by understanding that I am unwilling to suck out the emotional energy from me to contend with what is truly trite in life. I have come to better understand what is 'trite' in life by dealing with the really hard stuff and recognizing that having come to through those things, this stuff really doesn't matter in the larger scheme of my life - so I let it go...most of the time. I am not perfect, as nobody is...yet 1,000 times better than the manner in which I reacted to certain people even a few years ago - because there are some folks who just know how to get under your skin. The best way to deal with those folks is to spend little to no time with them because they are not worth the emotional energy.
It's a funny thing for me to realize that all the folks who once triggered me are no longer a part of my life. Some of them have died and for some, I have moved so far away that making the phone call, text, email, or message is too much work to do - so that has greatly lifted my emotions and my energy as I no longer need to deal with them and their ways.
It's amazing what living across the globe can do in sifting out those who choose to continue relations and those who just are present to be a pain in the ass when you are together. I suggest you try it and see how much more in harmony you can be with your own self, and those activities that you truly enjoy once you are no longer dealing with other peoples' emotional issues.
So, how does one keep a great emotional state other than to ditch those people who are natural triggers for you? Simple. You take care of yourself. One needs to activate one's happy hormones by moving one's body - the body was made to move to release those happy hormones and neurotransmitters so best you operate your body in the manner in which it was created to operate. Sitting on your butt all day feeling sorry for your situation is never going to shift anything - so best get up and move around - I like to do my Fabulous 50s Youtube videos after doing my reading, writing, self-hypnosis, etc. That movement as I dance for the 30 seconds between the actual exercises automatically puts me in a great mood as well as allowing me to deal with the long hours I am doing the training that I am doing this weekend - though thankfully they have put in exercise and dance breaks for the long days.
Do those activities that you enjoy for most of your day as you live in the moment. Please understand that if you are living in your past, you have no 'present' and no 'future' as your past is what is running you. I have let go of all the issues of my past and there were quite a few of them of different levels of aggravation, resentment (I was very good at being resentful in my past - it was the emotion that I had to work on the most, to be honest) and guilt for some of the things that I did while I was sick with the bipolar 2. However, and this is a very important concept as well: I never used my bipolar 2 as an excuse for anything. It explained a lot of things that were going on in my life at the time and once I understood that, I went to work to make things right and most of all to kick bipolar and anything to do with it out of my life - again Thanks, Tad James for giving me the keys to making that happen the week after Valentines weekend 2004. It is waaaaaay in my past now. And, because it is so far back in my past, I know that it is gone...for good...because we do indeed have control over our state should we choose to be in control. The only exception to that may be if one is not able to metabolize their amino acids to make the happy hormones and neurotransmitters, has a glandular problem, is dealing with medication side-effect (hint: change meds), or a brain injury.
Learning: You see, we humans are very lucky in that we can... if we choose ...and it is in the majority of cases a take control of our emotions by realizing that making ourselves insane (or at least acting as if we were insane) is never going to change a thing. However, if we get present and let go of other's issues, and concentrate on our own God-given talents and interests, well... life becomes most magnificent because the interference of others ' 'moods' no longer affects you. And, that my friends is the best way to live one's life - feeling happy and fulfilled by no longer allowing other peoples' bad days to make yours anything but the best day you can make it!
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