It's time to wake the HEALTH up!
Michelle Sharp
HRV??The Air Shop??Pinnacle Ductwork ?? Marketing & Brand. Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality is my topic of choice! #homes
'It’s just a little bit'
'It’s trace amounts'
'It’s very low exposure'
But when does our bodies innate detoxification ability say 'it's too much'?
When we add up all of these toxins that are coming at us from every single angle, is it just a little bit? Toxins add up. If you drip water into a cup non stop its going to overflow eventually!
Our bodies are naturally capable of detoxifying – thank goodness - this is what our liver is for.?It’s nothing the body cant handle for the most part....
?It’s the food we eat.
The products we use.
The clothes we wear.
The air we breathe.
These toxic chemicals are showing up in the blood stream, they are found in breast milk, and even in baby's still developing in the womb! ?Toxins are now pretty much inescapable.?In reality, it is virtually impossible to live a 100% toxin free life today.?That’s a pretty awful statement to write.?
But that doesn’t meant we shouldn’t try and minimise our exposures.?We can be proactive and try to reduce our toxic load as much as we can - like we say - every little helps - huh?
We can arm our bodies with the right clean foods, to nourish our cells and minds with smart, information.?We can strengthen our immune systems so that we can fight the way nature intended us to.?We can assist our bodies and minds in the detoxification process with exercise and sweating.?We can make simple yet highly effective swaps little by little.
(and just like we are choosing eco and sustainable brands and options to reduce our impact on the environment, we can even avoid supporting brands that ignore science and still make products with health harming carcinogenic components)
I've come to the place where I don't believe in 'it's just a little bit' anymore. it is actually shocking at the number of chemicals that are in everyday items that we just reach for everyday!
The industry I have worked in, the products I have helped source and develop, the experiences I have had as a human being and being a mum have taught me that the things that harm are often not visible to us!
SO - It's time to wake the health up!
Its up to take back our health and to make better choices - I am NOT perfect but I do and continue to make more conscious choices for my #health and well-being every single day. It starts with the products we use everyday, the food choices we make in the shop, the systems we have in our home...
Its up to us to get educated and learn, ask questions and think logically and critically for the future.
So lets see what small changes we can make. - what are you going to start with?
I've started with products that I use every single day - on my skin and those that end up in my air.
#indoorairquality #toxins #chemicals