It's time to think differently
Aaron Gose, ChFC? FSCP? RICP? WMCP?
We help Engineers achieve their financial goals through data-driven and disciplined planning.
Today is the 5th of July. The fifth day of our 31 days of July challenge!
How many U-Hauls could a U-Haul haul, if a U-Haul could haul U-Hauls?
When you look at the U-Haul business, it can be a challenge to keep trailers and trucks ready at any moment, especially when people like to do their moving in waves, and in many cases all going in the same direction at once.
Let's take a large population all moving at the same time from Arizona to Washington to avoid the summer heat in April or May each year, you can imagine there are definitely not the same number of people moving from Washington to Arizona at the same time.
So U-Haul needs to move more trailers and trucks back to Arizona quickly so there's enough available for the "migration".
Traditional thinking would be to take a trailer and pull it back.
But that's just not efficient!
Instead, we can stack U-Haul trailers on a U-Haul trailer and pull a U-Haul truck to get it there!
That's six or more assets all having their primary problem solved in one simple move!
That's thinking outside the U-Haul box!
Are you ready to starting thinking outside the box when it comes to your financial challenges?
Grab a time on my calendar for an introduction.
We'll get to know each other, figure out what is most important for you, and build a trackable system for your long-term financial success.
This article reflects my views and opinions only and does not reflect the views and opinions of New York Life nor Eagle Strategies, LLC. This article is not a solicitation to purchase anything. Investments involve risk. Consult your financial advisor.
Thank you for reading and have an excellent weekend!