Its time to take care of your garages!!
Your living room, kitchen, bedrooms and even your bathrooms get your special love and attention. You have build them with utmost love, care and affection. From the tiny flower vase in your kitchen garden to the best sound system in your living room. All of them are precisely picked and kept in the places with the complete details of your eyes. It takes ample amount of time, dedication, efforts and investment to make a house feel like home.
"A house is made of walls and beams. A home is made of love and dreams"
You have your friends, family and other close people visiting time to time and the happiness bubbles when they say, "wow!! we love your home, its beautiful". But there is a part of it which is left aside. It was built with the same bricks and beams but just the love and care has been missing. We have been calling it by the same name from ages, GARAGE.
"Park it in the garage", "throw it in the garage", "we will clean the garage next time", "its was fine, they just stole from our garage". That small place just attached to your home needs the same amount of attachment and care.
Everyone is trying to make their home a "SMART HOME" and plug it with the best and the most expensive devices in the market. So, why not let your garages be a "SMART GARAGE"? A place not just to park your car or dump the unwanted stuff, but a place which can be a important part of your daily life. That's what HomyHub is trying to do, turning your garage into a valuable space in your life.
A simple, convenient and safe way to manage access to your garage from anywhere and anytime. All you need it the HomyHub Starter Kit installed in your garage, download the HomyHub application and you have just given life to your garage. Share temporary or permanent access with your friends and family. Monitor in real time who is accessing your garage and you can also get your important packages delivered without even being at home. Your garage just saved your time and made your life much simpler.
This Christmas lets make your garages feel a part of your home and make it smart by HomyHub.
You can Pre-Order now at : HomyHub Pre-Order