It's about that time ...
Steven McBee
CEO McBee Farm & Cattle Co / McBee's Coffee N Carwash / Apex Protein Snacks
We're one month deep into 2023 already.
And for 90% of us, going into the New Year always brings about new goals and an added motivation to chase after our dreams because the sense of time ticking down becomes all the more real as that calendar year changes.
Unfortunately by this time - 2/3 of the people that set New Years resolutions have already abandoned them.
Why is that?
It's easy to start Jan 1 and do something for a few days, or even a couple weeks - but after that, the grind becomes too much.
Schedules change, crisis' pop up out of nowhere, and those dreams you were so inspired to chase only 30 days ago become a distant memory.
And so your dreams get put on hold - but you know what doesn't?
Every passing day, your losing out on the most precious commodity you have in your life - worth more than gold, silver and damn sure worth more than that stupid bored ape NFT you "invested" in last year.
So if you're in that group of people that have already given up on your New Years resolution and fallen off the wagon, recognize that you DON'T have to wait until the calendar flips to 2024 to get back to chasing your dream.
Today is February 1st, as good of a day as any for "Day One."
But here's the thing - so was yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that and so on.
The power of the day you start (or get back) on is completely built in your mind - It doesn't matter if it's a random Wednesday in the middle of the month, or the start of a new month like today:
The key is to just start, and don't look back.
Time sure as hell isn't going to stop - and that dream you have isn't going to chase itself.
Go get it.