It's Time to "Spring Clean" Your Website
It's that time of year again where the days are longer and the weather is warmer. You may do some "spring cleaning" for your home, but are you doing it for your website? The internet is a constantly changing environment, which means you have to change as well. As you (hopefully) know, Google is planning on implementing some far-reaching algorithm changes. The consequences of this change could mean that your site will rank lower in search results.
To make sure your website is running optimally, here’s a countdown of five top website checkpoints that are critical elements in the ever-changing formula for success.
#5: Local Search Engine Visibility
Increasingly, Google and other search engines give greater weight to delivering results that are close and convenient to the user. For obvious reasons an online visitor is more likely to connect with a business, resource or healthcare service that is nearby. We need to look at several considerations that come into play for optimum local visibility.
#4: Call To Action
More often than you might realize that website visitors need to be guided to “what to do next.” Elements of design, text/content and navigation work together to inspire the visitor to take an appropriate action step. A good website will provide both the incentive and the means for the visitor to take action.
#3: Name/Address/Phone
You might think this is a complete no-brainer, but surprisingly often the vital “NAP” info is hidden or completely missing from web pages. What’s more is that search engines are looking for the name/address/phone information and it can make a difference in page ranking as well as in visitor responsiveness.
#2: Refresh Authoritative Content
Website visitors and search engines expect and appreciate new online information. Conversely, web pages that never change are regarded as "stale" and ultimately not interesting to visitors. This staleness factor is dragging down your visibility. In addition to updates and changes to various site pages, having and using a connected or integrated blog is a means to engage site visitors. And regular updates with new, fresh and authoritative content is an important performance plus.
#1: Responsive Site Design
The most important test for websites currently, according to repeated reminders from Google, is that the site is able to detect mobile searches and respond with a mobile-friendly design. In a big way, Google and other search engines recognize the proliferation of smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. This means that website owners don't have an option, they have a missive. You must be mobile or you'll site won't be seen.
These are the main factors that can mean the difference between a prominent online presence and being invisible. Make sure your site is updated and ready to go, especially for April 21st.
Did I miss any other key important factors? Let me know in the comments below!