It’s time for Social Media – creating a virtual togetherness on apps like TikTok or Clubhouse
eignes Foto Feb. 2021

It’s time for Social Media – creating a virtual togetherness on apps like TikTok or Clubhouse

2 0 2 1 already started. 

Covid19 still controls the health system and social-economic environment. 

Time – is – running. 

In some situations, it does not make sense that events are already one – year – ago. The music industry tries to go forward with making the best out of the topical restrictions regarding life concerts, personal fan interaction and festivals[FJ1] . 

The clock is making ticktack – ticktack and another month did fly away by still staying in a lock down that immediately felt like the thousand times again. But by reflecting the current situation, the individual social community is trying to find more alternatives in planning free time activities with having obvious no real haptic interaction possibilities. Concerning to those missing options in cultural entertainment and event planning, the amount of social media use is (still) increasing. The generations Z and Alpha have partly grown up/ grow up in the digital area before the global pandemic started but as there are so many restrictions on “getting together” the social life seems to shift completely the emphasis to the virtual cloud of Instagram, Zoom and life sessions at Clubhouse as well.

The development of social media use capacity >not only the last year< has shown that clocks  no longer making ticktackby now following the vibes of Tiktok

So, the metaphor (above) of having a clock controlling the rhythm of time, replaced by international app relevance, should remind us on how influencing the daily use of social media can be. That could mean that 24/7 interaction possibility and access to inspiration from “everyone”is reordering the whole interpretation of self-arrangement. Social media use attaches users to make them think about own behavior, lifestyle, maybe criticize themselves or inspires to start new perspective. 

 Nether the less, apps like TikTok providing especially artists a platform to call attention to themselves and move one with making music for their community. Moreover, it seems possible for more or less for everyone to extent follower numbers and publicity with a low impact of cost and time and to reach users with their content all over the world in only “15 seconds”.

Only fifteen seconds are needed at relevant place in optimizing range of social interaction. Consequently, the challenge is having only a short period of time to make attention out of a specific performance, talk, dance…

The moreover interesting thing is, that this hype is going to influence not only the user itself but also the music industry in the background. Lots of artists became more successful in their music business with a hype on one of their music samples. Further it seems to become very meaningful to have a reminding and quick- changing beat construction to fit into the framework of the Tiktok content. One specific example of those popular Tiktok songs in 2020 is ?Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat) “from Jason Derulo which became very famous by an accompanying dance move combination. This title is used on global Tiktok uploads more than six million times by today. 

Finally, an important output could be that apps like Tiktok open up a possibility to find a creative way in a determined frame to portray personality and individual daily happening. If next time your clock is -making Ticktack- telling the specific time, you could think about what you already did today, what you would like to do and maybe also which part of it you would like to share with your online community in round about 15 seconds. [FJ1]


Benrath, B. (2021), Alle unter 16 bekommen jetzt ?private“ Tiktok-Konten,[24.01.21]

Decker, A. (2019), Der Social-Media-Zyklus, Schritt für Schritt zum systematischen Social Media Management im Untermehmen, Wiesebaden. 

Febrensen, M.; T?ubner, M.(2021), Die entscheidenden 15 Sekunden

Wie Instagram, Tiktok und Co. die Karrieren von Musikern befeuern – und einen neuen Stil pr?gen,,[22.01.2021]

Omar, B. & Dequan, W. (2020). Watch, Share or Create: The Influence of Personality Traits and User Motivation on TikTok Mobile Video Usage. International Association of Online Engineering. Retrieved January 26, 2021 from[24.01.2021]

Schmidt, J.H. (2018), Social Media, Wiesbaden.

Stecher, S.; Bamberger, A.; Gebel, C.; Cousseran, L. (2020), ?Du bist v?llig unbekammt“! Selbstdarstellung, Erfolgsdruck und Interaktionsrisiken auf TikTok aus Sich von 12- bis 14- J?hringen.,[26.01.2021

Tik Tok (Hg.), Savage Love,[23.01.21]

Background Information (German):

Inzwischen ist es auch m?glich Videos in einer L?nge von bis zu 60 Sekunden hochzuladen. Dennoch habe ich mich für den Headliner der ?15 Sekunden“ entschieden, da TikTok mit diesen kurzen Videos bekannt geworden ist. 

Jugendliche zwischen 13 & 15 Jahren erhalten inzwischen automatisch einen privaten Account, sodass die Privatsph?re in diesem Alter besser geschützt wird. Zus?tzlich gibt es eine Begleitfunktion, die Eltern wahrnehmen k?nnen, um an der Tiktok Aktivit?t ihrer Kinder teilzuhaben.

Additional readings 

Zhang, Zongyi (2020), Infrastructuralization of Tik Tok: Transformation, power reationships and platformization of video entertainment in China,,[27.01.21]




