It's Time, Rise then – Rise and be Risen.
It's Time, Rise then – Rise and be Risen.
First shared 1st April, 2018 ...
A Message From The Reserved Seat - Rise And Be Risen
I would like to share the following, which has been shown to me in the form of a vision.
Every living soul, as well as those passed, are invited to a play.
The stage is set for the first scene, which involves two men, both known to himself to be a King.
Each King reigns over a portion of the earth that they believe to be their own land.
This land is known to them and all of their people as their king-dom, or possibly King-doom.
It is their own domain to which they state claim.
Not satisfied with their own King-dom alone they wish to gain control of that over which others reign, and with it, their people, land and all related bounty.
Like a kind of coliseum, the seats are all filled and standing room taken. The entire Human race is present.
Above the seating, on a kind of heavenly platform, is a seat, one upon which a reserved sign is placed.
The curtain rises and before the audience, in the centre of the stage, stands the two Kings - face-to-face, eye-to-eye.
Behind each is an enormous army, troops standing in waiting.
One of the Kings speaks, airing his intention to take the other Kings Kingdom by force, and all with it, if he does not surrender.
He says that in Gods name it is his; it is his, for God told him so.
He went on to say that God came to him in person and told him that he should make this declaration and that anyone or thing that resisted his word was to be considered his enemy, slain and destroyed.
The other King laughed and said that he too had received a similar message from his God - and that the same applied.
Unable to come to a peace-full compromise, war ensued and many perished.
So many were maimed, raped and tortured before being left to die upon the very earth that was to be claimed by those who believed it to be theirs, and theirs alone.
Along with their words, prayers, screams, moans and dying groans, the deep red blood of those men, women and children of all ages, beliefs, hopes and dreams for their lives and future bled deep into the earth.
Act 1 left the audience numb - what good could possibly come of this - the curtain fell.
The curtain rose for Act 2 - it was a bustling street scene many years on, one full of market traders, entertainers and food stalls a-plenty.
There were rickety dwellings, temples and taverns, those built of natural materials with the skill of many an artisans hand.
Those with finer attire made their way through the streets, just as did the tradesmen, women, children, beggars and thieves, all making their own lives work in their own time and way, as well as for their own reasons.
Times were easier for some and much harder for others, life had moved on in a way from the first scene, and yet, not in others.
Kings still ruled with their Queens, the rich and the poor.
Those past long ago in Act 1 - well buried and forgotten, dwellings re-built and new rulings made as to how each is to act if they are 'quite literally' to keep their head.
People meet in secret to speak of what their God has said to them, just as others meet in secret, as well as in public, to speak of what their God has declared.
Many a soul prayed in private to their God, never speaking of what their God conveyed. They dare not!
Others followed the God of the moment, whilst others did not say that they believed not in God, fearing that the very God that they didn't believe in would punish them in some way for not believing - and if not that God, the God of another that would deem that they must be punished.
In public, it was ordained that 'in public' all must declare allegiance to the God of the day.
Not all knew this God personally, therefore some followed in appearances sake, whilst others did not.
Many judgements were made, along with grotesque things said and done in the name of God.
It became apparent that there were many Gods!
There was a great tension building between the followers of the differing Gods - great separation took shape.
Act 2 - ends...the curtain falls.
The audience are left with the question as to who is God?
How come God takes so many forms?
Why is God called He?
Is this God a friend of one and all or only for the privileged or those in a certain occupation, gender, colour of skin, place of birth, particular group - and the like?
Is this God a purveyor of Peace, Love and Kindness or is this God a purvey of friction, war and suffering?
Act 3 - the stage is empty.
Lightning flashes, rain pours, the sun rises and the sun sets many times over.
Scenes flash before the eyes of each and every one of the audience; those scenes being those of their own past lives.
This goes on until the life that they are living in the moment flashes by up until the present day.
Act 3 ends - the curtain falls.
Each in the audience reaches into their pockets and takes out a handkerchief to wipe away the tears.
Their jaw aches from laughing, their faces are taught from all the expressions that have passed through them, those the likes of shock and horror and confusion all the way through to understanding, anger, sadness, love, peace and harmony.
This and many more things besides that they had experienced over many lifetimes up until the present day.
Act 4 begins, the curtain raises and the sign that had been in the seat upon the platform was placed in a seat upon the stage.
On the one side of the sign is written 'Reserved' - a voice boomed out across the speakers, asking that a member of the audience step onto the stage - that they would know who they were.
That they were to go to the seat, take the sign from the seat - and, placing the sign upon their lap, that they were to sit down on the seat.
Once done, they were to show the reverse side of the sign to the audience.
A man stood up and did as asked.
Sitting on the chair he turned the sign around so that it faced the audience.
There facing back at him were all the people that he had once slain in the name of God.
As the audience saw the sign, each and everyone gasped recognising him as the King who had ordered that they be slain.
Looking at the audience, to the sign, and back to the audience, the man placed the sign upon the chair and returned to his seat.
The audience sat looking at the chair, upon which sat a sign saying GOD.
Act 4 Ends - the curtains fall and all that could be heard was the beating of the hearts of all the people of the world, as one.
Each member of the audience looked around at those present...taking in the presence of each, one by one, they were aware of them all - the young, old, tall, short, lean and plump, darker and lighter of skin, those full of every talent and possibility imaginable, each of the deep red blood shed in the first act.
Each and every one our brothers and sisters no matter what story they have made up or followed to the contrary.
Trumpets play and all are asked to accept a gift that they will find beneath their seat.
This gift is a mirror.
Each is invited to hold the mirror in their hand.
Act 5 begins, the curtain rises and the stage is clear apart from the chair with a sign upon it that reads God.
Everyone is aware that throughout the play, the seat reserved on the heavenly platform, was reserved for God.
They were also aware that God had heard all the stories.
That God had witnessed all of the things that had been said and carried out in Gods Name.
God, then, having given 'Free Will' to the Human Species, takes centre stage, by way of offering up the following.
Throughout time, there have been many understandings, many versions of life acted out.
This day, through this play, you have witnessed them all.
Many Kings declaring themselves your masters have come and gone - there will be no more.
No Grand Masters, No Prophets, No saviours outside of yourselves.
You have created your lives through so many means and ways, which you will continue so to do toward your own chosen outcome.
Looking back over time, you have seen what has past.
You are asked - what now do you see for your future?
Please raise your mirror and look deep into your eyes, the doorways to your soul, here you will see God.
The Love and Light of God is within you all.
It is you who makes up the stories to the contrary and carries them out in my name.
Watching it all play out this day, I come to share with you all that you each have so much of the story so very right.
That you instinctively know that you are to protect the land, your family, friends and community.
You are to make your way in this world - love and have faith.
That you are to appreciate good things and so much more besides.
This said, that instinct is for you all to instinctively protect the land, your family, friends and community - one and all.
That you are to love and have faith in everyone and thing because you are each and all an aspect of each other and an aspect then of God.
You are to appreciate good things and so much more besides knowing that there is enough for everyone, thus you are to share, rather than taking and hoarding for yourself.
This is greed, born from fear and lack, as apposed to love.
There is a balance to be had, and looking back, as we have done today, we have witnessed what happens when imbalance creeps into the mind, body and soul.
No more need be said, every living soul is to pick up their mirror, and looking deeply into their own heart and soul, each is to choose what role they are to play in ongoing co-creative and collective story.
Ever has it been so!
A New Day Is upon You to do with as you will.
The curtain falls.
There is silence over all the land!
On the way out each is handed an envelope.
The message inside reads: As the Sun rises on the morrow - you shall begin a-new with a greater understanding of who you are and why you are here!
Rise then – Rise and be Risen.
Article – ? Susanne Austin, 1st April 2024 (Note: all text written by Susanne personally unless lines or sections are stated as quoted text).
Susanne Rachel Austin writes on Personal and Environmental Wellbeing… 'Healthy People – ‘Healthy Environment’ - covering natural health and wellbeing, eco-build, sustainable, green and 'one planet' living as a business and daily lifestyle choice for all. Susanne is also the author of a daily ‘True Life Wisdom Of The Day’ shared upon several social media channels and is currently in the process of writing a book and putting together a series of workshops. Speaking engagements are also woven into these plans. Susanne’s new website is germinating 'Quite Naturally' in-line with this creative process and will be launched as and when complete.