It's time to review your content goals!
Jane Rogers
Content writer & marketing copywriter, AKA The Word Wizard: writing, editing & training to help you attract the right clients. Also speaker & event host & Chair of Beckenham Business Association.
How are you getting on with your goals so far?
Did you set yourself some goals for your business, your marketing or your content earlier this year?
If so, now we're in spring, it would be a good time to review your goals.
Why review your goals?
Well, when you set goals for your marketing, or your business as a whole (or anything for that matter), it's a good idea to review them from time to time. That way, you can check how you're doing and whether you're still on track to achieve them.
You might surprise yourself and have already achieved some. Or you might find you're part way through a goal and need to give yourself an extra push to achieve it.
Equally, you might find that a goal isn't relevant any more because something (outside of your control) has changed.
Questions to ask yourself when reviewing goals
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you review your goals:
Reviewing my own goals
At the beginning of the year, I sat down and wrote myself some goals. I broke them down into what I wanted to achieve each quarter.
And I made sure they were SMART goals - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound.
I recently grabbed a coffee and looked over the goals I'd set myself in January. And I'm pleased to report that I've achieved all but two of my first quarter goals!
To find out which goals I hadn't achieved, and what I'm doing about it, read the full version of this blog on my website.
If you'd like help reviewing or setting your goals for your content, check out my content planner or book a power hour with me and we'll work on it together.