It's time to re-assess your 2020 goals.
John J Maxwell
Group CEO: The Uptick Group | Co-founder & Head Mortgage Coach at The Mortgage Coach | Director at Cocalex Consulting | M: 0434 544 225
Are you taking control of how your year goes?
You may have set your goals at the start of the year, but since then, the whole world has stopped and literally been turned upsidedown. This means, your goals may need to be tweaked or even re-invented.
If you haven't already, now is the time to set your action plan for the year ahead. Why is it that some brokers or sales professionals seem to have found a 'Silver Bullet' and write far more business than others?
From my observations of over 1000 brokers and allied sales professionals, I have noticed a few things between those who can't keep up with the business generated, and those who are scratching to find leads. Here are 5 things I discovered...
1. Successful professionals PLAN their goals, actions, and priorities. They also track them and adjust as required to ensure they hit their goals. Success is no mistake or accident. You get what you plan for...
2. They take immediate and consistent action. They do more of what works and less of what is NOT producing results. Successful people delegate the menial task and those actions which detract from their bigger goals. Be efficient.
3. The most successful professionals are visible to the public. Of the top 100 brokers, well over 90% are highly visible online and can be easily found by their target market. Of the remaining 10% who are not visible (because they are too busy), their team members are visible!
4. Majority of the most successful professionals worked hard to develop 'rock solid' referral and reciprocal relationships with allied professionals. Many of these no longer need to chase leads and prospects.
5. Above all... the most successful professionals never stop taking action. They do make mistakes, but they learn from these mistakes, re-calibrate, and go again. They NEVER give up and NEVER stop taking consistent actions. Every successful professional FAILED before they celebrated success.
Although this is not an extensive list of actions and tips, it should inspire you to write down more actions you can take and then take these actions.
EXTRA TIP: Be a contribution to the industry and community. Every highly successful professional person I know makes it a priority to contribute in various ways to their local, professional, interest, or passion. There's no right or wrong way, but it definitely makes you feel better to give and contribute to others. Pay it forward, pay it back. It also creates balance in your life and helps you recharge, reinvigorate, and often creates more results and synergy as a bonus.
?John J Maxwell, Joust - Head of Sales | Content Writer, Cocalex Holistic Consulting.
I hope this article was useful and helpful for your financial journey. If you have any questions or contributions relating to this article, please take the time to comment below and share your thoughts or opinions for the benefit of others reading this. No doubt this topic commands interaction, innovation, and collaboration.
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About the author:
John Maxwell is the founder and Content Writer at Cocalex Holistic Consulting. He is also Head of Sales at Joust -
John has 20 years' experience in the financial services sector and has owned and managed 9 mortgage franchises and a holistic advice 'one-stop-shop'. He has developed a broad background within the holistic financial services realm. He has a particular focus and passion for leadership, training & development, financial education, writing, franchise development, and business networking.