It’s time for PRIDE, Football and (hopefully) more pride!
Newsletter June 2024
ERA news
If anyone is struggling to sleep with the recent humid nights, any holiday excitement and/or simply riddled with football anxiety, you aren’t alone! The team at ERA may have plenty of fun plans ahead, but as usual, June has been bursting at the seams! Monday to Friday heads are down and focus is on point.
?A number of recent project wins for ERA will ensure we keep the workflow strong and everyone’s morale proud. One in particular that can be mentioned is Gravity Media in central London. This broadcasting company works on a wide spectrum, in facilities, production and content services. Recent projects have included The Regime starring Kate Winslet, and the popular Netflix show ‘One Day’. ERA will be managing their new post-production edit suite facility. ?
Spencer Stuart, one of the leading executive search companies have now relocated to 80 Strand, with the project completing this month. David, Jack, Lee and Angelo oversaw all elements of their relocation, including tendering the contractor, furniture, AV and move packages. Their art deco inspired office pays homage to the natural architecture of this historic building, with numerous employee offices and client meeting rooms to support their future needs, all of which needed tight organisation skills from ERA to ensure the operation of the business continued seamlessly.
Shuhel has continued to deliver projects and grow strong relationships with Scamp & Dude. This colourful project – mentioned in precious newsletters, have now opened a store in The Trafford Centre and the roll out is set to continue well into 2025.
All aboard!
David was invited by consultant Nick Hunt at OneHundred Partnerships on a sailing day to the Isle of Wight, held on the historical Boleh Yacht. Luckily, there weren’t any sailing mishaps, and it was a civilised experience… until they docked and went out in Winchester. Nothing can prepare a little town for a group of excitable men from London. Karaoke was on the cards, but when you know someone who lives in town, a house party is arguably the better option.
Another lucky day (or maybe not) for David, was being invited to attend Royal Ascot by Hamish Lemmens and his team at Absolute Workspace. Of course, it’s a grand day out with its extravagant outfits and flowing champagne… however... don’t ask David how many bets he lost…
ERA’s personal news
The team congratulated and welcomed back Jack as he returned from paternity leave. Their first son now has a baby brother- Ollie, and he is genuinely a good-looking baby so no polite lies from the team were needed.
As Louise heads to Glastonbury this weekend (not to see Coldplay!), Saturday 29th marks the 55th anniversary since the Stonewall riots in New York, which flipped and turned into the positive Pride Parade. So, if you are out and about in London tomorrow, head into Soho to check out the live music, street parties, and of course, the freedom to be whoever you want to be!
One last thing - Sunday – hungover or not, grab a drink and shout ‘IT’S COMING HOME!!’
#managedbyera #officefitout #pride #londonpride #era