It’s Time to Pray
David Thomas
Retired Safety manager sniper, underwater, demolition, halo, master mount warfare, Pathfinder, and much more
This is part 2 of the LinkedIn post I posted in part?1.?It's too big to go in a post. So I'm going to write it in an article. Linkedin.
Please, I ask that you passed this on to your friends. And you have loved ones. And that cares about what happens in the world today. I'm not trying to predict anything, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I just want you to see it. A little. Different.
Dear God, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe Jesus went to the Cross, died, took my sin upon Himself, and on the third day, He was raised by the power of God and that Jesus is alive. Today, I acknowledge that I’m a sinner. I am a sinner, Lord God, and my sin is before me, and my sin is separating me from You because You can have no part of sin. You are holy and righteous. Second, I confess that to Jesus, because Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and I believe in the Bible. I cannot come to the Father except through Jesus, because He’s the Son of God who gave His life. He paid the sacrifice. I confess to Jesus. Third, I put my trust in Him right now. I believe, and I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name, amen.
It’s Time to Pray?
“In the day of my trouble, I sought the Lord.” Psalm 77:2
Here are two important prayer principles: (1) Talk to God when troubles surround you. If you’re like most people, good times can make you trust in yourself instead of God. It’s the troubled times that drive you to your knees—a bad medical report, a child hooked on drugs, a lost job, or a troubled marriage. That’s God’s intention in allowing troubled times! He allows trouble to afflict us—not to make us miserable, but to bring us to Himself. Hosea the prophet said, “In their misery, they will earnestly seek [God]” (Hos 5:15 NIV).?
God’s fatherly heart wants above all that we abide and confide in Him. And if it takes the trouble to do it, He loves us enough to permit it. But when we turn to Him in our troubles, we discover that He is “our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Ps 46:1 NLT).
(2) Talk to God at all times. In his widely-read classic, The Practice of the Presence of God, Brother Lawrence speaks of prayer as a continual conversation with God—a practice for all times, places, and circumstances. While cooking and washing dishes, he found conversing with God as satisfying as in his allotted prayer times. He counsels us: “That we may accustom ourselves to a continual conversation with Him…in simplicity.?
That we need only to recognize God intimately present with us and to address ourselves to Him every moment.” That sounds like Paul’s instructions on the subject: “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Eph 6:18 NIV). I said I am eternally optimistic, and I happen to believe that we've made great progress from the days when I and?my?brother's cousins, and friends. were young and when this country didn't want to hear. even though it had a racial problem.
I know those things can grow out of despair in an inner city even with counties. And state people. There's hopelessness at home, a lack of work, and some people don't want to work. and so forth. But I believe that all of us together, and I believe the Presidency is what Teddy Roosevelt said it was, it's a bully pulpit. And I think that something can be done from there because the goal for all of us should be. That one day.?
Things will be done neither because of nor in spite of any of the differences between us ethnic differences or racial differences, whatever they may be. But we will. Have the total equal opportunity for all people, and we. Should I do everything in each?one of?our power? to bring that about? It has been sad A president should never say never, but a president. Of the United States.
And the House of Representatives. Regardless. Who do you vote for? Who's who? Should violate. The rules and regulations that's been put in place. A congressman. And presidents. violate that rule and say never. Ronald Reagan said it right one time. I will never stand for a reduction of the Social Security benefits to the people. And that was when the Democrats were screwing it up.?
And now you got the Republicans wanna do the same thing that the Democrats tried to do back then. That's not for the people. And just remember. You voted for a Republican. Now you're going to get your money taken from you. Better now getting?this is not for the people I mentioned to you the last time I talked to you about Republicans and Democrats Arguing and fighting and being Washington DC. And state representatives at the state level.
Without money Holding us back From being part of the leadership In the world Leaders Trying to hold back our military from growing. Look at California these past Three weeks They've really been getting hit hard And the hand is steady out there Give me, give me And it's all because we as Americans Leadership Did not listen When the call of global warming was coming.
You know another way that the government could help? California governor. Arizona governor. Texas governor. Colorado governor. Nevada governor. And I know that everybody can afford something right away, but if you raise the prices a little bit on water, you could have paid for this. I was working in Kuwait. And I seen that they had a refinery. I thought it was all refinery. But what it was, it was a salt water refinery. It took salt water and turned it into drinking water. And that's how they beat the system. We just waste so much money and when we could do things right the first time so we don't have to do it twice.
?And now you've got people up there Standing in front of millions and millions of people on TV Lying to them, telling them what you're gonna do And what you're not gonna do And they do it anyway. Couldn't benefit from cutting Medicare If something's been put into place Why would you take it out? We as Americans have always been able to receive from the?government.
But we don't like to give it back very easily,?And when you give America something and you try to take it back from them, they get very upset. Leadership. First of all, I think you must have some principles you believe in. I happen to believe in the people and believe that the people are supposed to be dominant in our society, not the government, and are to have control of their own affairs to the greatest extent possible with an orderly society. Now having that, I think. Also that in leadership.?
Well, I believe that you find people in positions such as president and Congress. who have the talent and ability to. Do the right things that are needed in the various departments of government. I don't believe that a leader should spend his time in the Oval Office deciding who will play golf. on the White House court or Florida.
And you should. let those people go with the guidelines of overall policy, not looking over their shoulders and nitpicking the manner in which they go on the job. Presidents and vice presidents. are ultimately responsible, however, for that job. But I also believe something else about that. I believe that. And I believe that sometimes It's better if people are congressmen, so governors before they become presidents.
We need to do this by age,?but I just don't want The people at the White House to get playing for everything cause down below, the governor Of state Has messed up a lot of things also, And things that cannot be fixed for Over 100 years now They set the country back.
Now it's back to Father Immigrants coming to the United States and Giving them houses, cars, and money And we got people in the United States that can't even pay their electric bill We should have money put aside just for those kinds of bills, food, electric, Water and when the elders get sick Have a place for them to go.?
They're safe and clean And people watch over them with loyalty. And integrity. Heat, Electric, Air conditions But we don't. The United States gives so much money away overseas. And we don't even take care of the people we have. You cut welfare, you cut it for the people that some people need.
And some don't. But that needs to be determined. Not just make a decision on it because of race. Oh, let's not leave out the mayors of the cities. I pay more taxes than anybody else in the city where I live. And the mayor? I went in front of a board. To complain about the drainage in my backyard around my property.
And they just massage your situation. But this time around, when it's time to vote. I'm gonna be telling people who they should be voting for too. You don't take care of me. I'm not gonna take care of you. That's what they're doing up in Washington. That any issue that comes before me, I have instructed cabinet members and staff that they are not to bring up any of the political ramifications that might surround the issue. I don't want to hear them.?
I want to hear only arguments as to whether it is good or bad for the people. Is it morally right? And on that. Basis and that basis alone, we make a decision on every issue. The environment. Yes, I feel as strongly as anyone about the preservation of the environment. When we took office, we found that the national parks were so dirty and contained so many hazards and lack of safety features that we stopped buying them.
Additional Parkland until we had rectified this with what I'm gonna go around to the churches. And speak. On politics. And religion. My religion is threatened by politicians. Satan is really working hard. to keep you down. But if anyone runs the record of what we have asked for. We'll continue to try and get things that we didn't get in the program that has already been brought. I didn't hear anyone. promised a program of returning authority and autonomy to the local and state governments that have been unjustly seized by the federal government. And you might find those words in a Democrat.?
The platform of some years ago. I know because I was a Democrat at the time, and I did not know of some Democrats who left the party eventually because they could no longer follow the turn and the democratic leadership. That took us down an entirely different path, a path of centralizing authority in the federal government, lacking trust in the American people.
Now I don't think that trying?to?lie to people is. the way around it just doesn't work out. Now you got the Republicans. Doing the same thing. All over again. It's about them. It's not about the people. And it's supposed to be about the people. God didn't leave one man in charge here on Earth. We have some issues and if we don't fix them real soon. The people will divide. You'd be poor or you'd be rich.
You won't be both. You can't be both. I didn't write this to be a debate. Wrote this so that you would look back on history. Congress stands up there in $500 suits and tells you a lie. And some people are very. Vulnerable to things like this. Their followers. They're not leaders. And they wait for other people to stand up and start a big confusion about things that don't make a hill of beans. And then they stick their hand up there.?
Yeah, yeah. Don't be that way. Make decisions because they are good decisions, and make decisions because it's got a lot to do with you. Kids, your grandkids. And your great-grandkids. Future. This is Medicare and his Social Security. It should never even come up again. And they're hanging. Low-hanging fruit. Over your head.
As a direct?threat. We, as Americans, are the ones that are leaders. We leave from the front, we do not leave from the rear. Wouldn't wolves?lead from the rear? We take charge upfront. And we have some leaders. That's wolves. And they even look like wolves. You know everybody that's in Congress. Was somebody's kid at one time.
And maybe still is someone's kid. But you know what kids do? When they're small, they step on your feet. And when they grow up. Please step on your heart. And even though. We know they belong to someone else. He got Satan in a bag. When they are small. You care about my arms. And when they grow up. You carried them in your heart. Parents. Mothers and fathers.?
#1 And those secrets to your success with everyone are not advisable. In this world we live in, you don't actually know what people are really made of. We still have good ones, no doubt. It will be an advantage for you to go about your normal business without having to share how and the things you do in secret that make you more successful than others. If you tell someone the secret of your success, people will try to do the same thing. But if they fail, they will accuse you of not telling them the truth. So never tell anybody the secret of your success.
#2 don't share your problem with anyone. Sharing their problems makes us feel lighter and less burdened. But instead of solving the problem, telling it to people can actually increase it. In fact, 70% of people are happy to hear about your problem and 10% really care. So think twice before telling someone your problem. When you go about sharing your problems with people, you open yourself up to be used as an object of gossip. So many people don't really care about your problems. Some of them are happy that you have them. The best thing you can do for yourself is to find a way to solve your problems without opening yourself to people. No matter how much you trust them, your problem should remain private unless you are sharing it with your doctor or therapist, or other professionals for professional advice and help.?
#3 Don't share your dreams with anyone. If you have already set your goals and your dreams in life, it is best to keep them to yourself because sharing them can affect your point of view and your purpose and you can get caught up in it. Always remember that you cannot get the same advice or opinion from others because everybody has a different point of view. Talking about your point of view, your dream may seem like a joke or even worthless to so many people. You might be seeing light while they are seeing darkness. If Jennifer Lopez did not leave her family house when her mother was against her dream, maybe she wouldn't have made it this far. But she left the house knowing full well what the future holds for her. She saw light, but her mom was seeing another thing altogether. The point of view differs. Everyone must not agree with you. But that is not a problem. Keep it to yourself and work on it consistently until it becomes a reality.
?#4 don't share with anyone how much you earn. Your income is definitely something that others should not be aware of. If you go about sharing everything about your income and personal finance with people, you will soon attract unnecessary hatred for yourself. Your income and personal finances should be between you and yourself. If you need advice concerning your money, you should channel the questions to the appropriate authority, not to your friends.
?#5 Don't share your family problems with anyone. There is no family that doesn't have a problem. Some have big problems while some have small ones. But sharing the problem with someone would never solve these problems. Sharing with others only aggravates the problem. It is called a family problem and it should remain within the family and its members. No third party should take part in it. Every family has its own different problems. But if yours becomes too alarming, others will leave theirs and debate yours. How you handle your family problems outside matters a lot. No matter what the issue is, they still remain your family. Nothing can change that. Finally, there are so many things to be kept private, but these five are very important. If you can privatize them, others will fall into place.
No Matter Who you are……
Where you are on Life’s Journey….?
There is a Home for You at the Church!
I Brother Thomas also pray for all the brothers and sisters in the U.S. and overseas soldiers and civil liens pray that you have good eyesight today and good ears and pay close attention to your surroundings. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given up.
All we have to do is put our lives in neutral, get out from behind the steering wheel and let Him deliver us to where He wants us. Praying for friends, family and loved ones is another wonderful way to start each morning. It’s a selfless act that seeks to ask God for guidance and assistance for others.
From parents praying for their children to individuals invoking God on behalf of friends facing a difficult time, morning prayers for loved ones offer up inspiration and eternal perspective. Life is unfortunately filled with all sorts of temptations. Engaging in daily morning prayer is just one way to try and overcome the struggles that plague us. Focusing on God and His power over our lives is essential, as He has promised that we will not “be tempted beyond what we can bear.
“Whatever it happens to be, you may find yourself feeling weak, helpless, and powerless. When that happens listen closely and carefully and you will hear God saying, "My grace is sufficient for you."?Trust that. Lean into that. Know that it is true. Thank Him, and when you are sharing your story include this statement: "When I am weak, then I am strong. "When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
Prayer should be one of the driving factors of every single congregation. It shouldn’t take a severe illness or hardship to call us to prayer now, and it certainly shouldn’t take mass persecution to cause us to devote ourselves to prayer in the future.
What lessons do you think persecution would teach us? Can we learn them without having to be persecuted first? A bad job with a Good Boss is Better than a Good Job with a bad boss. I hope you have the Brightest and happiest day on earth as soldiers and civilians. Thank you, Uncle Sam, and Thank You Friends and Family; our Fallen Brothers and Sisters -in-Arms will always be with us, honored, and remembered! WE LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, "ONLY" - BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!
?Love Brother David (Juggernaut) Thomas In Jesus’s name. Amen."
Retired Safety manager sniper, underwater, demolition, halo, master mount warfare, Pathfinder, and much more
1 年Thank you