It’s That Time … Please Slow Down!
For those of you in North Texas, some schools have already welcomed kids back into the classroom while other schools resume next week. Please be mindful of the 20mph speed limit in school zones as well as school buses.
According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2017, there were 811 wrecks in school zones across Texas. The result included two deaths and 30 serious injuries. The two most common causes included failure to control speed, and distracted driving. In other words, the accidents were entirely avoidable.
Be mindful:
- Cell phone use is banned in school zones, and violators face up to $200 fine
- Traffic fines are usually double inside school zones
- The law requires drivers to stop for flashing red bus lights, regardless of the direction you’re headed
- Violators can receive a $1,000 fine
- If you’re driving near a school or a school bus, always keep an eye out for kids who might dart across the street to catch their ride or a bus
Whether this time of year is cause for a yahoo or a boohoo (or a little of both), please slow down, pay attention and watch out for the kids.