Most of people, now days, think that being different and unique is something marketeers should apply in every movement they make. But sometimes, to do that kind of thing, it takes a lot of efforts which may be combined by strong and decent strategy, one of them is pricing.
Anyway, pricing isn't always helping a lot when it comes to convincing unique consumers. If you charge too much, sometimes you'll alienate a percentage of buyers. Charge too little and people may wonder if your product is up to snuff.
Since one of the goals which has to be achieved by marketeers is convincing more unique costumers to acknowledge the product, there will be a crucial need of using particular marketing tactics. Because, it is not you who decides whether your product is worth their money or not, but unique consumers themselves.
But don't worry, because there's plenty of ways to choose to help you nudge unique consumers into opening up their wallets.
Big Brainstorm
Once you dive into product marketing, there's no way to turn around. What you have to face is consumers and to get your product acknowledged and consumed, you practically need to do some big brainstorms. It might involve teasing apart what it means to be the highest quality sparkling wine. "What makes one brand better than another?". If you have succeeded it, they you have a big green light to go.
Better To Be Transparent As Well
Once you have identified what makes your product special, what you need to do next is communicating to potential buyers about the time, energy, resources and care that goes into delivering it. Consumers should be able to see this and know why they're paying the price for it. So, being transparent to your consumers always matters to your business.
In Private Connection
One big goal of communicating with your consumers is to help them understand what actually you are selling. So, by telling them as instant as sending a message or featuring flyers on your website will never be enough to earn reaction. Sometimes you need to do many in-person events involving your new or existing consumers with a hope that you can share everything you need to share regarding to your product.
Reward Them As It Is Needed
Studies have found that most of Millennials are potential to be unique consumers. And most of Millennials love to be awarded. So achieving status in a rewards program is also extremely desirable for them. In fact, they tend to align their shopping loyalty with brands that offer rewards programs.
According to Aimia’s “Born This Way: The U.S. Millennial Loyalty Survey,” Millennials are more likely than other generations to take part in customer loyalty programs, especially when there is a giveaway involved. Indeed, Millennials rate loyalty rewards as the top incentive they look for in exchange for sharing personal information with marketers.