It's Time for MESA Learning!
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It's Time for MESA Learning!

How to learn with MESA Learning by Tom Sehmel | Learning Consultant

The Truth Shocker

Simple solutions are great. They seem to work. They seem to align with our own ideas. But do they really? Consider effective learning.

A. It's not Learning Styles?

B. It's not 70:20:10?

C. The 4 parts of effective learning are using MESA Learning by Tom Sehmel (note that other things use the same acronym)

The Visual

Look at the image at the top of the article. People that need to learn are down below. They need to get to the top. Those mesas, or table mountains, are formed by layers. In MESA Learning by Tom Sehmel, there are four layers to the top. Notice the trail below the title in the image. You can help learners take the trail to the top. You are just helping, like a guide. The learner takes many steps of Motivation, Engagement, Success, and Application.

Don't take a shortcut. Just looking at the nice picture doesn't get you to the top either. Knowing the dangers and the where you are going are both helpful. So point out the dangers of the shortcut, refer back to the awesome image. The learner needs to take their steps along the MESA Learning trail. Let's check it out.

The Four Parts of MESA Learning

  1. You got to want it, that's your why or MOTIVATION.
  2. You got to try it, that's your how or ENGAGEMENT.
  3. You got to keep doing through to achieving it, that's your what or SUCCESS.
  4. You got to connect it to other learning, that's your expertise or APPLICATION.

The Problem

What gives? We've dug ourselves into a hole. Business leaders have often gotten to where they are by working hard and following their own path, that is they learned it on their own. As such, while they value the importance of learning, they don't often see value of all the elements of training for the workers. It seems too costly for the budget. But it's no different than any project or their own learning, but their learning doesn't show up on the balance sheet and was done on their own time. Things like the learning elements of connecting?the why, practice, feedback, certifying, reinforcement, etc. That is why those elements can get cut so quickly from training, despite having top learning experts on board.

Checking the box or certifying learning. Yes you need to check the box, but if that's all you do it can be costly later. It's a calculated risk, like taking a shortcut.

Learning styles and the 70:20:10 methodologies, leverage questioned approaches from decades ago (check out the videos or similar), and simply reinforce that the top people are different, but that doesn't help the workers learn or the business succeed. Yes, there are different ways to learn and different ways to deliver. You do need to consider what to do for learning for your target audiences. Unfortunately, those over-simplified models have become mainstreamed, are easy to adopt, cookie cutter, predictably fail, programs get cut, then the next learning leader comes in trying the same thing, repeat. And why should business leaders expect different results from learning when it continues to fail the business? It's no wonder companies then rely on consultants. Ironically, that inefficient and costly repetition can work over time. Which is why we still do it.

The business competition who is willing to do things that actually work better will ultimately win and sooner. Your business leaders want to win, too. And you can help them. You have a viable solution to succeed. The learning pieces are probably already there, they just need to be organized differently for efficiency and effectiveness. If you don't have budget or time to waste as a company, small or big, pitch and try effective learning using the Four Parts of MESA Learning instead. Here's how following the MESA Learning Process.

The MESA Learning Process

1. What does the company want to accomplish? (X in sales, Y in new products, services, or expansion, or Z for self, others, planet, or more. Customers and employees want as well.)

2. What does it cost to get there, including MESA Learning? (This is a full business analysis.)

3. Do the benefits or goals outweigh the costs? Goal - Cost = Profit

3a. If yes, go for it, including MESA Learning, and measure actual costs and benefits. Measure Proposal vs Actual for a reality check.

3b. If no, reassess.

3c. Poor business strategy and analysis is just that.

4. Improve for your next campaign or venture.

The Analogy

Remember the story of the emperor with no clothes; your current situation may provide the opportunity for an empowered employee or department to speak up. You can, too, with MESA Learning.

MESA Learning by Tom Sehmel is Motivation, Engagement, Success, Application

Activity and Next Steps

If you didn't check out the links above, do so now. With minimal retooling, you can rework your learning strategy and program to be effective. Put together the the Four Parts of MESA Learning for your project. Work through the MESA Learning Process. Put it all into your proposal. Deploy it as a pilot program. Incorporate into your learning strategy. I'm here to help. You got this!

More Ways to Use MESA Learning by Tom Sehmel

MESA Learning isn't limited to just business. It effectively works with everything, including sports, music, politics, health, finance, church, life, hobbies, and more. Everything needs learning. Check it out. Check out MESA Learning.

Thank you.?

Tom Sehmel | Learning Consultant

#Learning #MESALearning #TomSehmel #LearningStyles #Learning702010 #Leadership #Better #Together


Tom Sehmel, M.Ed., SSBB, CPT的更多文章

