It's time to look again!
Frank Ceballos CPM
Time Generator | Helping CEOs & Executives Create Time & Lead with Confidence
Most agencies/companies are coming up on the one-year mark for our new telework/virtual office environment. Now, with that being said, this is a great time to review your agency's workplace violence/harassment policy. Below we have outlined three important tips to help you get started.
Tip One: The new definition for Workplace.In the past, most of us envisioned the workplace as being within the confines of a building or maybe at a business convention. But now we are needing to look at the workplace in a different way. You see, employees that are working from home do have the same workers’ compensation benefits as those working on the employer’s premises. While OSHA does not have a specific regulation regarding home offices per se, it is clear that “employers have a ‘general duty to provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm, and that for OSHA, the term “workplace” is synonymous with “on the job” and “at work.” A workplace may be any location, either permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work-related duty.
The thing to know here is that safety and security don’t begin and end with the confines of the agency’s building but now include the employee's home.
Tip Two: Reviewing the policy. When reviewing your policy look to see if your policy is speaking to both the brick and mortar environment and the new telework/virtual office environment. Reminder, bullying, harassment, and threats of violence can be made in a virtual work environment as easily, in some instances more easily, than in face-to-face encounters. Does your agency policy speak to the conduct/behavior that is acceptable and unacceptable during web meetings? This is one of many things you should be looking for when reviewing your agency’s policy.
Tip Three: Training. When was the last time employees in your agency were trained on the policy about workplace violence? Most importantly, when was the last time employees in your agency trained on how to recognize behaviors of concern to help prevent workplace violence. This type of training will give your employees the skills needed to help prevent workplace violence.
Give us a call so we can help you keep your employees safe.