It’s time to LEVEL UP…
Jaclyn Mariano
Owner/Founder - Level Up Fitness & Nutrition, at Level Up Fitness Inc.
Anyone else have a theme song pop into their heads when you hear the words LEVEL UP? For me, it’s the rocky theme song, getting me all pumped up and ready to go. I know, the more obvious one is by Ciara since that’s the title and all.
Leveling up, how do we go about this? Where do we start? I’ll let you in on a little secret. Whether it’s business or personal, we can LEVEL UP by identifying what area of our lives or business needs improvement.
In an ever changing society, it is HARD to keep up with the Jones’. In this day and age, we might even say the Kardashians or Rockefellers. So really, how are we supposed to keep up? We live our own version by doing just this:
1. Identify what needs improvement
2. Possible solutions
3. Pick the solution that feels like the best fit
4. Create a plan of action
5. Follow through / stick to deadlines
6. Then follow up
Here is an example of what this looks like, again it can relate to both personal life OR business. I’ll give an example based on the business I work in:
1. Our website needs a makeover/we need to draw business TO us
2. Possible solutions include: developing a marketing campaign to draw people in (now is this best done in house or outsourced?)… decide if we are the ones to update our own website or if we outsource the work
3. Use Jaclyn to develop campaign content and have Jorge create the graphics and user interface design of the website
4. Plan of action: Jaclyn and Jorge will meet with the President to make sure they are all on the same page for the direction of the new website. Jaclyn will create the content to be passed off to Jorge to create the visuals and user interface for the website
5. The President will check in with Jaclyn and Jorge to make sure the new website is launched at the start of Q2. Content must be completed by 2/1, graphics and UI must be completed by 3/1, Launch of new website by 4/1
6. Follow up with yourself, did taking these steps bring in more business? How did the marketing campaign work out? Learn from what worked, what didn’t, and what might need to be tweaked going forward. Also, give yourself a pat on the back! You came, you saw and you conquered.
You’ve leveled up your business by taking these necessary steps to IMPROVE! We constantly need to be improving, otherwise we will just be stuck and fall behind the times. I can tell you that working at Highstep Technologies, we are always trying to help businesses with solutions, whatever that is- we meet you wherever you’re at. We are constantly learning, trying our best to adapt AND improve.
Though we don’t necessarily help with personal growth, this same method still applies. Growth amongst ourselves and businesses follow the same steps. No matter the outcome you’re looking for, everything begins with identification. Whether we look at ourselves in the mirror and tell ourselves we need to be kinder to ourselves or we look at our business and say we need a more efficient way to keep track of our supplies; whatever that is, this process works!
Have fun through this journey and I can’t wait to hear the success stories of how you’ve LEVELED UP!