It’s Time to be Kind to Yourself
Most people were brought up to respect the importance of showing kindness and consideration towards others. It’s one of the characteristics of a healthy society. These are qualities that help to make life more equitable for everyone. But sometimes we forget to apply the same positive principles to ourselves.
Let’s be clear right at the start that kindness to ourselves is not a badly-disguised form of self-indulgence. Rather, it’s a very healthy, supportive and practical way to remove a great deal of suffering and resistance from our daily lives.
Kindness should not be confused with weakness. It isn’t about quitting in the face of challenges or difficulties. It’s simply a reminder to be more understanding of who we are. It’s a form of mindfulness that notices whenever we apply harsh judgements to ourselves rather than being willing to acknowledge a job well done. It’s a wake-up call to stop making derogatory comments about ourselves. It’s a timely reminder that we benefit more from positive feedback that doesn’t diminish us.
Kindness involves a greater measure of self-acceptance since we are far more likely to accept others when we feel comfortable with who we are. Of course, we are all a work in progress, but the work proceeds more smoothly when we generate less resistance in our hearts and minds.
Be kind to yourself.
Perhaps this should be your new mantra since it will help you to lower your stress and anxiety. You’ll feel better. You’ll experience greater creativity. You’ll feel more capable. Kindness can transform the world. Let’s start the revolution by letting the power of kindness transform you.